2017-07-29T11:33:35+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true 186 Celuta, 339 Dorothea, 397 Vienna, 402 Chloë, 221 Eos, 513 Centesima, 592 Bathseba, 599 Luisa, 579 Sidonia, 606 Brangäne, 679 Pax, 661 Cloelia, 233 Asterope, 460 Scania, 89 Julia, 653 Berenike, 11066 Sigurd, 742 Edisona flashcards
K-type asteroids (SMASS)

K-type asteroids (SMASS)

  • 186 Celuta
    186 Celuta is a 50 km Main belt asteroid.
  • 339 Dorothea
    339 Dorothea is a large main belt asteroid that was discovered by German astronomer Max Wolf on September 25, 1892 in Heidelberg.
  • 397 Vienna
    397 Vienna is a typical Main belt asteroid.
  • 402 Chloë
    402 Chloë is a large main-belt asteroid.
  • 221 Eos
    221 Eos /ˈiːɒs/ is a large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by Johann Palisa on January 18, 1882, in Vienna.
  • 513 Centesima
    513 Centesima is a 50 km Main-belt asteroid orbiting the Sun.
  • 592 Bathseba
    592 Bathseba is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 599 Luisa
    599 Luisa is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 579 Sidonia
    579 Sidonia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by the German astronomer August Kopff on November 3, 1905.
  • 606 Brangäne
    606 Brangäne is a minor planet orbiting the Sun.
  • 679 Pax
    679 Pax is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by German astronomer August Kopff on January 28, 1909.
  • 661 Cloelia
    661 Cloelia is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by American astronomer Joel Hastings Metcalf on February 22, 1908.
  • 233 Asterope
    233 Asterope is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by A.
  • 460 Scania
    460 Scania is a main-belt asteroid.
  • 89 Julia
    89 Julia is a large main-belt asteroid that was discovered by French astronomer Édouard Stephan on August 6, 1866.
  • 653 Berenike
    653 Berenike is a main-belt asteroid discovered on November 27, 1907 by Joel Hastings Metcalf at Taunton, Massachusetts.
  • 11066 Sigurd
    11066 Sigurd (1992 CC1) is an Apollo (NEO) discovered on February 9, 1992, by C.
  • 742 Edisona
    742 Edisona is a minor planet orbiting the Sun that was discovered by German astronomer Franz Kaiser on February 23, 1913.