2023-05-01T22:33:09+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Toxicity</p>, <p>hazard</p>, <p>Exposure</p>, <p>Risk</p>, <p>hazard * exposure </p>, <p>causality, threshold, slope </p>, <p>b</p>, <p>NOEL</p>, <p>threshold NOEL</p>, <p>LD50/ ED50</p>, <p>LD1/ ED99</p>, <p>measure of drug safety, uses median doses, provides ratio between effective and lethal dose</p>, <p>c</p>, <p>Risk Characterization </p>, <p>a</p>, <p>b</p>, <p>c</p>, <p>d</p> flashcards
Intro to Toxicology

Intro to Toxicology

  • Toxicity

    -the biological effect that occurs and causes damage to the organism

  • hazard

    -the toxic causing agent

    -differences in susceptibility

  • Exposure

    -being in the presence or coming into contact with the toxin-causing agent

  • Risk

    -the frequency of adverse event occurring due to being in the presence of the toxic exposure

  • hazard * exposure

    Risk =

  • causality, threshold, slope

    What is included in Toxicity Assessments?

  • b

    Which toxicity assessment determines the lowest dose where an effect can occur?

    a) causality

    b) threshold

    c) slope

  • NOEL

    ______ is equivalent to 0 on the y-axis of dose response curve.

  • threshold NOEL

    _______ last datapoint of NOEL that has 0% response.

  • LD50/ ED50

    Therpauetic Index =

  • LD1/ ED99

    Margin of Safety =

  • measure of drug safety, uses median doses, provides ratio between effective and lethal dose

    What are the characteristics of Therapeutic Index? (3)

  • c

    A higher Therapeutic Index tells us _______

    a) more toxic drug

    b) more effective drug

    c) safer drug

    d) both B & C

  • Risk Characterization

    -summarizes risk information, evaluates uncertainty, and creates strategies to mitigate risk

  • a

    _______ ability to cause an adverse effect.

    a) toxicity

    b) hazard

    c) exposure

    d) risk

  • b

    _______ potential to cause an adverse effect in a given situation or setting (likelihood)

    a) toxicity

    b) hazard

    c) exposure

    d) risk

  • c

    ________ coming into contact with a substance.

    a) toxicity

    b) hazard

    c) exposure

    d) risk

  • d

    _______ expected frequency of the occurrence of an adverse effect arising from exposure.

    a) toxicity

    b) hazard

    c) exposure

    d) risk