2023-04-06T04:28:18+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>ergonomics, human behavior, systems thinking</p>, <p>initiating therapy, monitoring therapy, managing therapy</p>, <p>wrong: patient, dose/strength/frequency, formulation, quantity</p>, <p>inattentional blindness</p>, <p>punitive</p>, <p>blame free</p>, <p>focus is on the cause of error; errors caused by system failure are not punished; negligent behavior still punished</p>, <p>Medication misadventure</p>, <p>put it in a bag </p>, <p>high dose, drug interaction, excessive utilization</p>, <p>Drug utilization review</p>, <p>ergonomics</p>, <p>standard operation procedures</p> flashcards
Intro to Med safety

Intro to Med safety

  • ergonomics, human behavior, systems thinking

    What are the three factors that make up Medication Errors?

  • initiating therapy, monitoring therapy, managing therapy

    What are the key elements to the proper functioning of the pharmaceutical care system? (3)

  • wrong: patient, dose/strength/frequency, formulation, quantity

    What are the 5 main categories of prescribing errors?

  • inattentional blindness

    -occurs when an individual fails to perceive an unexpected stimulus in plain sight, purely as a result of a lack of attention rather than any vision defects or deficits.

  • punitive

    -those who make an error are held personally responsible, regardless of the root cause. 

  • blame free

    -encourage reporting of errors as there was no risk of punishment, regardless of the cause of the error. 

  • focus is on the cause of error; errors caused by system failure are not punished; negligent behavior still punished

    How is "Just Culture" different from the other types of safety cultures?

  • Medication misadventure

    -any iatrogenic hazard or incident associated with medications

  • put it in a bag

    When it comes to dispensing Vincristine, how do we safely administer it?

  • high dose, drug interaction, excessive utilization

    What are some reasons that a DUR rejection may occur?

  • Drug utilization review

    -Authorized, structured, ongoing review of prescribing, dispensing and use of medication.

  • ergonomics

    -the study of all factors that make it easier to do work in the right way

    -the interaction between humans and the system in which they work

  • standard operation procedures

    •is a protocol which details how a certain procedure should be carried out every time it is performed.