2017-07-27T22:12:15+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Bromine monochloride, Bromine pentafluoride, Chlorine monofluoride, Chlorine pentafluoride, Chlorine trifluoride, Iodine trichloride, Iodine monochloride, Iodine monofluoride, Iodine pentafluoride, Bromine monofluoride, Bromine trifluoride, Iodine heptafluoride, Iodine trifluoride, Iodine monobromide, Astatine monoiodide, Astatine monobromide flashcards
Interhalogen compounds

Interhalogen compounds

  • Bromine monochloride
    Bromine monochloride, also called bromine(I) chloride, bromochloride, and bromine chloride, is an interhalogen inorganic compound with chemical formula BrCl.
  • Bromine pentafluoride
    Bromine pentafluoride, BrF5, is an interhalogen compound and a fluoride of bromine.
  • Chlorine monofluoride
    Chlorine monofluoride is a volatile interhalogen compound with the chemical formula ClF.
  • Chlorine pentafluoride
    Chlorine pentafluoride is an interhalogen compound with formula ClF5.
  • Chlorine trifluoride
    Chlorine trifluoride is an interhalogen compound with the formula ClF3.
  • Iodine trichloride
    Iodine trichloride is an interhalogen compound of iodine and chlorine.
  • Iodine monochloride
    Iodine monochloride is an interhalogen compound with the formula ICl.
  • Iodine monofluoride
    Iodine monofluoride is an interhalogen compound of iodine and fluorine with formula IF.
  • Iodine pentafluoride
    Iodine pentafluoride is an interhalogen compound with chemical formula IF5.
  • Bromine monofluoride
    Bromine monofluoride is a quite unstable interhalogen compound with the chemical formula BrF.
  • Bromine trifluoride
    Bromine trifluoride is an interhalogen compound with the formula BrF3.
  • Iodine heptafluoride
    Iodine heptafluoride, also known as iodine(VII) fluoride or iodine fluoride, is an interhalogen compound with the chemical formula IF7.
  • Iodine trifluoride
    Iodine trifluoride is an interhalogen compound with the chemical formula IF3.
  • Iodine monobromide
    Iodine monobromide is an interhalogen compound with the chemical symbol IBr.
  • Astatine monoiodide
    Astatine monoiodide is an interhalogen compound with the chemical formula AtI.
  • Astatine monobromide
    Astatine monobromide is an interhalogen compound with the chemical formula AtBr.