Covers policy holders even when insurer goes bankrupt Less than or equal to $250,000 per claim, refund premiums less than or equal to 70% less than or equal to $ 700
Superintendent of Insurance
Approves policy forms "Format"
Insurance Act
Is the legislative framework for insurance operations in Alberta. Governs Licensing, governance, reporting requirements of insurance companies in the province. Incorporations and prudential supervision of provincial insurers.
Personal Risk
Financial hardship due to accident, sickness or death
Property Risk
Damage or destruction of tangible property: more property = MORE RISK
Liability Risk
Actions of individuals or businesses that result in injury or DAMAGE TO OTHERS
Covers policy holders even when insurer goes bankrupt Less than or equal to $250,000 per claim, refund premiums less than or equal to 70% less than or equal to $ 700
Superintendent of Insurance
Approves policy forms "Format"
Insurance Act
Is the legislative framework for insurance operations in Alberta. Governs Licensing, governance, reporting requirements of insurance companies in the province. Incorporations and prudential supervision of provincial insurers.
Personal Risk
Financial hardship due to accident, sickness or death
Property Risk
Damage or destruction of tangible property: more property = MORE RISK
Liability Risk
Actions of individuals or businesses that result in injury or DAMAGE TO OTHERS
Control-reduce frequency/Avoidance-avoid hazardous activity/Retention- pay for the loss yourself/Transfer- Indemnify-shift risk to someone else.
Pure Risk
=can only lose(this is the only type of risk that is ISNURABLE
Speculative Risk
=might win or lose(gambling not insurable)
Personal Property Insurance=Homeowners
Three Types: 1. Basic 2. broad 3. comprehensive
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