2024-05-26T10:16:57+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Asexual reproduction has genetically identical offspring because</p>, <p>Sexual reproduction has variation in offspring because </p>, <p>Meiosis step by step</p>, <p>Meiosis halves/doubles number of chromosomes </p>, <p>dna consists of x strands</p>, <p>double helix</p>, <p>gene</p>, <p>benefits of studying human genome</p>, <p>alleles</p>, <p>genotypes </p>, <p>phenotypes </p>, <p>cystic fibrosis reccessive/dominant AND what it is</p>, <p>polydactyly reccessive/dominant AND what it is</p>, <p>3 problems with embryo screening</p> flashcards

Inheritance - Biology paper 2


  • Asexual reproduction has genetically identical offspring because

    one parent, no fusion of gametes

  • Sexual reproduction has variation in offspring because

    two parents, fusion of gametes and mix of genetic info

  • Meiosis step by step

    All chromosomes are copied

    Cell divides in two

    both of these cells divide into two

  • Meiosis halves/doubles number of chromosomes

    halved the number of chromosomes

  • dna consists of x strands

    two strands

  • double helix

    two strands wrap around eacother

  • gene

    small section of DNA on a chromosome

  • benefits of studying human genome

    search for genes linked to disease

    understand inherited disorders

    trace human migration patterns from the past , helps with ancestry

  • alleles

    different versions of a gene

  • genotypes

    The alleles that an organism has for a particular characteristic

  • phenotypes

    characteristics caused by the alleles

  • cystic fibrosis reccessive/dominant AND what it is

    recessive allele , defective cell membrane

  • polydactyly reccessive/dominant AND what it is

    dominant allele, extra fingers or toes

  • 3 problems with embryo screening


    large number of embryos created, small are used. so lots are destoreyd

    future we can screen them to produce desired offspring. unethical