2019-10-29T16:29:37+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true concise, concrete, concrete words, ambigous, distintion, intuition, trivia, etymology, spontaneity, narrowing, thesis, anecdote, quotation, definition, public lecture, status report, briefing, fireside chat, chalk talk, pedagogy, andragogy, word picture flashcards
Informative Speech vocabulary

Informative Speech vocabulary

  • concise
    expressing much in few words (less is more)
  • concrete
    a real or actual thing or class of things; not abstract or theoretical
  • concrete words
    a word that names a thing that is perceive through the sences
  • ambigous
    capable of being understood in more than one way
  • distintion
    the difference between words, objects, ideas, etc., explained by saying what something is, especially, what is not
  • intuition
    quick and ready insight; the power or faculty of knowing things without conscious reasoning
  • trivia
    unimportant matters
  • etymology
    the history of words as shown by tracing their development and relationships
  • spontaneity
    the quality or state of being spontaneous-- doing or producing freely and naturally; impulsive, instinctive
  • narrowing
    to limit and more closely define a topic
  • thesis
    a statement defining or expressing the purpose of a speech
  • anecdote
    a short story used by the speaker to illustrate a point
  • quotation
    a statement which repeats the exacts words that someone else has said
  • definition
    an explanation of a term; it reflects the speaker's intended meaning or specialized use in context of a speech
  • public lecture
    a lecture delivered to a community or school group
  • status report
    a report summarizing a group's past achievements and future goals
  • briefing
    a speech informing members of a group of changes in policy or procedure
  • fireside chat
    a speech in which a leaders informally addresses the concerns, worries, and issues of the group
  • chalk talk
    a speech in which the speaker uses a visual aid -- a chalk board--- to convey information
  • pedagogy
    the art and science of teaching children
  • andragogy
    the art and science of teaching adults
  • word picture
    a vivid description that appeals to the senses