2023-03-08T05:11:45+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>SBAR</p>, <p>situation, background, assessment, recommendation</p>, <p>situation</p>, <p>background</p>, <p>assessment</p>, <p>Recommendation</p>, <p>medication therapy review, medication-related action plan, personal medication record, intervention/referral, documentation/follow up</p>, <p>Medication Therapy Review (MTR)</p>, <p>Medication-Related Action Plan (MAP)</p>, <p>Personal Medication Record (PMR)</p>, <p>Intervention/referral</p>, <p>Documentation/ Follow up </p>, <p>&gt;=80%</p>, <p>things pharmacist can do alone, things that involve the patient, things that involve other healthcare providers</p>, <p>differences in complexity, different collaborations, different priorities </p>, <p>initiate, modify, discontinue, administer</p>, <p>hormonal contraceptives, tobacco cessation aids, test/treat, naloxone</p>, <p>quantity, therapeutic substitution</p>, <p>stewardship program, MTM</p>, <p>vaccines, long-acting antipsychotics, IM contraception &amp; vitamins, first dosage or emergency</p>, <p>implement: authorized</p>, <p>Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPAs)</p>, <p>Minimum of 16 hours board approved: development of patient care plans, education on specific disease-state; active license, no less than 6 hours on nationally recognized updates, copies of certifications to MSBOP</p>, <p>motivational interviewing, shared decision making </p>, <p>reconcile discrepancies in medication therapy, medication reconciliation, improve communication between providers, patient counseling at discharge &amp; follow up</p>, <p>Medication Therapy Management (MTM)</p>, <p>help patients make best use of meds, earn revenue, demonstrate value to healthcare payers</p> flashcards


  • SBAR

    -communication technique provides a framework for communication between members of the health care team about a patient's condition, including your assessment and recommendation.

  • situation, background, assessment, recommendation

    What does the Acronym SBAR stand for?

  • situation

    -briefly describe the situation or the patient problem; concise statement of the problem

  • background

    -add necessary information to understand the problem; pertinent patient information related to the situation

  • assessment

    -provide an assessment of the problem, such as cause and severity; analysis and consideration of options; what you think

  • Recommendation

    -make recommendations to address or resolve the problem; action recommended; what you want/ need

  • medication therapy review, medication-related action plan, personal medication record, intervention/referral, documentation/follow up

    What are the core elements of MTM?

  • Medication Therapy Review (MTR)

    - a review of prescription, over-the-counter medications, herbal therapies and dietary supplements, that is intended to aid in assessing medication therapy and optimizing outcomes

  • Medication-Related Action Plan (MAP)

    -a list of “to-do’s” for the patient to use with their pharmacist, primary care physician, physician specialists, and other healthcare providers to ensure they are working toward their specific health goals

  • Personal Medication Record (PMR)

    - a list of all the patient’s medications, both prescription and nonprescription

  • Intervention/referral

    - when a patient has a Medication-related problem? Contract prescriber • Expertise of another professional needed? Make referral

  • Documentation/ Follow up

    -SOAP noting, documentation, billing

  • >=80%

    Medicare Part D patient measures for adherence for diabetes, hypertension, and statins is what?

  • things pharmacist can do alone, things that involve the patient, things that involve other healthcare providers

    Our operational definition of "Implement" is broken into 3 steps; what are they?

  • differences in complexity, different collaborations, different priorities

    What are some problems associated with our operational definition of Implement?

  • initiate, modify, discontinue, administer

    Our "authorized" component of implement is broken into 4 categories; what are they?

  • hormonal contraceptives, tobacco cessation aids, test/treat, naloxone

    What can pharmacists initiate?

  • quantity, therapeutic substitution

    What can pharmacists modify?

  • stewardship program, MTM

    What can pharmacists discontinue?

  • vaccines, long-acting antipsychotics, IM contraception & vitamins, first dosage or emergency

    What can pharmacists administer?

  • implement: authorized

    -the extent of privileges permitted by state law for a given class of allied health provider based on specific criteria like education, training, experience, and [other] qualifications

  • Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPAs)

    -create formal practice relationships between pharmacists and prescribers

    -serve to improve efficiency and effectiveness

  • Minimum of 16 hours board approved: development of patient care plans, education on specific disease-state; active license, no less than 6 hours on nationally recognized updates, copies of certifications to MSBOP

    What are Mississippi Provider Qualifications?

  • motivational interviewing, shared decision making

    Implement " educator and ally" consists of what 2 components?

  • reconcile discrepancies in medication therapy, medication reconciliation, improve communication between providers, patient counseling at discharge & follow up

    Pharmacists are well positioned to play a vital role in many aspects of care transitions. What are the roles?

  • Medication Therapy Management (MTM)

    -A distinct service or group of services, independent of, but can occur in conjunction with, the provision of a medication product, that optimize therapeutic outcomes for individual patients

  • help patients make best use of meds, earn revenue, demonstrate value to healthcare payers

    Quality measure systems present a significant opportunity for pharmacists to :