2024-08-21T08:55:25+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>good riddance</p>, <p>in one fell swoop</p>, <p>one's own flesh and blood</p>, <p>elbow room</p>, <p>the be-all and end-all</p><p></p>, <p>wild goose chase</p>, <p>a sorry sight</p>, <p>to lie low</p> flashcards


  • good riddance

    one is glad that someone is leaving or that something has gone

  • in one fell swoop

    all at once

  • one's own flesh and blood

    a member of the family

  • elbow room

    space to move around in

  • the be-all and end-all

    essential element of something

  • wild goose chase

    An absurd or hopeless pursuit, as of something(usually beccause someone gives you the wong information or you have too little time to find it)

  • a sorry sight

    a bad condition or situation

  • to lie low

    to hide