2023-10-04T01:04:17+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entruesingular unit of a nucleic acid, ionic charge of a phosphate group, pH of a phosphate group, type of bonds between sugar and phosphate group/base in a nucleotide, 4 bases found in DNA, four bases found in RNA, phosphodiester bond, number+ type of strand in the backbone of a RNA nucleotide, number+ type of strand in the backbone of a DNA nucleotide, what are the 2 complementary base pairs in a DNA double helix, what type of bonds are complementary DNA bases bonded with, purine, pyramidines, pyramidine bases, purine basesflashcards
type of bonds between sugar and phosphate group/base in a nucleotide
covalent bonds
4 bases found in DNA
adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
four bases found in RNA
adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
phosphodiester bond
Bonds between the phosphate of one nucleotide and the pentose sugar of the next. The phosphate group (attached to the 5'-C of the sugar) joins with the hydroxyl (OH) group attached to the 3'-C of the sugar results in a long strand
number+ type of strand in the backbone of a RNA nucleotide
single strand and (mostly) linear
number+ type of strand in the backbone of a DNA nucleotide
2 anti parallel (opposite) complementary strands (double helix)
what are the 2 complementary base pairs in a DNA double helix
Adenine - Thymine, Guanine-Cytosine
what type of bonds are complementary DNA bases bonded with
hydrogen bonds
a type of nucleotide base that has 2 carbon/nitrogen rings (4 nitrogen atoms)
a type of nucleotide base that has a single carbon-nitrogen base (2 nitrogen atoms)
type of bonds between sugar and phosphate group/base in a nucleotide
covalent bonds
4 bases found in DNA
adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
four bases found in RNA
adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
phosphodiester bond
Bonds between the phosphate of one nucleotide and the pentose sugar of the next. The phosphate group (attached to the 5'-C of the sugar) joins with the hydroxyl (OH) group attached to the 3'-C of the sugar results in a long strand
number+ type of strand in the backbone of a RNA nucleotide
single strand and (mostly) linear
number+ type of strand in the backbone of a DNA nucleotide
2 anti parallel (opposite) complementary strands (double helix)
what are the 2 complementary base pairs in a DNA double helix
Adenine - Thymine, Guanine-Cytosine
what type of bonds are complementary DNA bases bonded with
hydrogen bonds
a type of nucleotide base that has 2 carbon/nitrogen rings (4 nitrogen atoms)
a type of nucleotide base that has a single carbon-nitrogen base (2 nitrogen atoms)
pyramidine bases
thymine,uracil and cytosine
purine bases
adenine and guanine
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