2023-10-04T01:04:17+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true singular unit of a nucleic acid, ionic charge of a phosphate group, pH of a phosphate group, type of bonds between sugar and phosphate group/base in a nucleotide, 4 bases found in DNA, four bases found in RNA, phosphodiester bond, number+ type of strand in the backbone of a RNA nucleotide, number+ type of strand in the backbone of a DNA nucleotide, what are the 2 complementary base pairs in a DNA double helix, what type of bonds are complementary DNA bases bonded with, purine, pyramidines, pyramidine bases, purine bases flashcards
ib biology 2.6

ib biology 2.6

  • singular unit of a nucleic acid
  • ionic charge of a phosphate group
  • pH of a phosphate group
  • type of bonds between sugar and phosphate group/base in a nucleotide
    covalent bonds
  • 4 bases found in DNA
    adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine
  • four bases found in RNA
    adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil
  • phosphodiester bond
    Bonds between the phosphate of one nucleotide and the pentose sugar of the next. The phosphate group (attached to the 5'-C of the sugar) joins with the hydroxyl (OH) group attached to the 3'-C of the sugar results in a long strand
  • number+ type of strand in the backbone of a RNA nucleotide
    single strand and (mostly) linear
  • number+ type of strand in the backbone of a DNA nucleotide
    2 anti parallel (opposite) complementary strands (double helix)
  • what are the 2 complementary base pairs in a DNA double helix
    Adenine - Thymine, Guanine-Cytosine
  • what type of bonds are complementary DNA bases bonded with
    hydrogen bonds
  • purine
    a type of nucleotide base that has 2 carbon/nitrogen rings (4 nitrogen atoms)
  • pyramidines
    a type of nucleotide base that has a single carbon-nitrogen base (2 nitrogen atoms)
  • pyramidine bases
    thymine,uracil and cytosine
  • purine bases
    adenine and guanine