produces pre ejaculate to naturalize the acidity in the urethra
Ejaculatory duct
contractions force semen through urethra
Seminiferous tubule
contains germinal epithelium which produce sperm cells
the age at which sexual maturity is reached
Interstitial cell
stimulating hormone - stimulates testosterone production
the process that produces sperm cells
nurse developing sperm cells
where developed sperm cells are released into
combination of sperm and the fluid from the three glands
female gonad which produce female sexual hormones and help ova mature
finger like outgrowths which draw in the ova
external opening
the process where mature ova are produced by the ovary
the cells which push the ova along the falopian tube
Proliferative phase
increase of thickness of endometrium
Secretory phase
influenced by the progesterone the lining becomes vascular and edematous
Polycystic ovary syndrome
hormonal disorder which causes infrequent or prolonged pregnancies
the fusion of sperm cell with one egg cell which has been released by the ovary during ovulation
the outermost membrane of the embryo responsible for implantation, it also produces progesterone
a thin strong membrane that surrounds the embryo and produces amnionic fluid
Amnionic fluid
cushions the fetus and regulates temperature, also lubricates birth canal during delivery
pouch like membrane which contributes to the formation of the umbilical cord
Umbilical chord
forms an extension of the chorion, supplies nutrients and removes metabolic waste
the site of exchange of nutrients and gases between the fetus and the mother
the expulsion of a fully developed fetus
increase of estrogen, progesterone drops causing rhythmic contractions of the uterine wall
first stage of child birth whereby the fetus engages the cervix
strong contractions force the head of the fetus out, then the shoulders and rest of the fetus
contractions continue until the placenta and umbilical chord pass out of the vagina
Breast milk
contains all nutrients in ideal proportions and valuable anti-bodies
Artificial insemination
sperm is inserted into the vagina with a syringe
Gamete intra
fallopian Transfer - sperm cells injected into fallopian tube
In vitro fertilization
sperm mix with eggs in petri dish, then injected into the uterus
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
sperm injected directly into the egg
Stem cell research
embryonic stem cells can be used to replace damaged cells in the body
amnionic fluid is removed then discarded fetus cells are tested
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