2017-07-28T15:26:28+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Glans penis, Corpus cavernosum penis, Hirsuties coronae glandis, Scrotum, Ejaculatory duct, Epididymis, Seminal vesicle, Prostatic utricle, Bulbourethral gland, Human penis, Foreskin, Vas deferens, Spermatic cord, Sperm, Septum of the penis flashcards
Human male reproductive system

Human male reproductive system

  • Glans penis
    In male human anatomy, the glans penis (or simply glans, /ɡlænz/) is the sensitive bulbous structure at the distal end of the penis.
  • Corpus cavernosum penis
    A corpus cavernosum penis (singular) (cavernous body of the penis) is one of a pair of sponge-like regions of erectile tissue, the corpora cavernosa (plural) (cavernous bodies), which contain most of the blood in the penis during an erection.
  • Hirsuties coronae glandis
    Hirsuties coronae glandis (also known as "hirsutoid papillomas" and "pearly penile papules") are small protuberances that may form on the ridge of the glans of the human penis.
  • Scrotum
    The scrotum is an anatomical male reproductive structure that consists of a suspended sack of skin and smooth muscle that is dual-chambered, present in most terrestrial male mammals and located under the penis.
  • Ejaculatory duct
    The ejaculatory ducts (ductus ejaculatorii) are paired structures in male anatomy.
  • Epididymis
    The epididymis (/ɛpᵻˈdɪdᵻmɪs/; plural: epididymides /ɛpᵻdᵻˈdɪmədiːz/ or /ɛpᵻˈdɪdəmɪdiːz/) is a tube that connects a testicle to a vas deferens in the male reproductive system.
  • Seminal vesicle
    The seminal vesicles (Latin: glandulae vesiculosae), vesicular glands, or seminal glands, are a pair of simple tubular glands posteroinferior to the urinary bladder of some male mammals.
  • Prostatic utricle
    The prostatic utricle (Latin for "pouch of the prostate") is a small indentation in the prostatic urethra, at the apex of the urethral crest, on the seminal colliculus (verumontanum), laterally flanked by openings of the ejaculatory ducts.
  • Bulbourethral gland
    A bulbourethral gland, also called a Cowper gland for English anatomist William Cowper, is one of two small exocrine glands in the reproductive system of many male mammals (of all domesticated animals, they are only absent in the dog).
  • Human penis
    The human penis is an external male intromittent organ that additionally serves as the urinal duct.
  • Foreskin
    In male human anatomy, the foreskin is a double-layered fold of smooth muscle tissue, blood vessels, neurons, skin, and mucous membrane that covers and protects the glans penis and the urinary meatus.
  • Vas deferens
    The vas deferens (Latin: "carrying-away vessel"; plural: vasa deferentia), also called ductus deferens (Latin: "carrying-away duct"; plural: ductus deferentes), is part of the male reproductive system of many vertebrates; these vasa transport sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in anticipation of ejaculation.
  • Spermatic cord
    The spermatic cord is the cord-like structure in males formed by the vas deferens (ductus deferens) and surrounding tissue that runs from the deep inguinal ring down to each testicle.
  • Sperm
    Sperm is the male reproductive cell and is derived from the Greek word (σπέρμα) sperma (meaning "seed").
  • Septum of the penis
    The corpora cavernosa penis are surrounded by a strong fibrous envelope consisting of superficial and deep fibers.