2020-07-28T23:58:38+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Abdominal Cavity , abduction, Adduction , Adrenal Cortex, Adrenal Medulla , Adrenocorticotropic Hormones , afferents , Agonist , Aldosterone , Alveoli , Amino Acid derivatives , Amphiarthrosis , Anatomic position , antagonist , Front, (ADH) Antidiuretic hormone , Arachnoid , articular cartilage , Autonomic Motor System , BILE, Bowman's capsule , Brainstem , Bronchi , bronchioles , bulbourethral gland , calcitonin , carbohydrases , Cardiac muscle , Central nervous system , cerebellum , cerebral cortex flashcards

Human anatomy and physiology


  • Abdominal Cavity
    Body cavity includes, stomach, kidney. spleen liver, gallbladder. intestines, pancreas
  • abduction
    movement that takes body part further away from central axis
  • Adduction
    Movement that takes body closer to the central axis
  • Adrenal Cortex
    Outer portion of the adrenal gland
  • Adrenal Medulla
    Inner Portion of the adrenal gland.: Which secretes catecholamines,epinephrines ,norepinephrines
  • Adrenocorticotropic Hormones
    Hormones release by the pituitary to stimulate release of adrenal cortex
  • afferents
    nerve cell bringing sensory information to the Central Nervous System
  • Agonist
    Muscle performing a movement
  • Aldosterone
    A mineral Corticoid Hormone
  • Alveoli
    Sac within the lungs at which gas exchange occurs
  • Amino Acid derivatives
    one of 3 hormones types
  • Amphiarthrosis
    partially movable joint
  • Anatomic position
    reference position for description of the body
  • antagonist
    muscle opposing a movement
  • Front
  • (ADH) Antidiuretic hormone
    hormone the releases by the pituitary to regulate water reabsorption by the kidney
  • Arachnoid
    One of the 3 membranes surrounding the brain
  • articular cartilage
    Smooth cartilage lining the bearing surface of bones
  • Autonomic Motor System
    Group of neurons controlling the smooth muscle and glands
  • BILE
    Fat-emulsifying fluid by gallbladder: Formed by Bilirubin
  • Bowman's capsule
    cup of cells surrounding the glomerulus in the nephron
  • Brainstem
    A region at the based of the skull vital fr basic life processes
  • Bronchi
    one of the paired tubes leading to the lungs from the trachea
  • bronchioles
    Smaller tube within the lungs connecting bronchi and alveoli
  • bulbourethral gland
    gland supplying fluid for semen
  • calcitonin
    thyroid hormones that lower calcium level in body fluids
  • carbohydrases
    carbohydrates- digestive enzyme
  • Cardiac muscle
    heart muscle
  • Central nervous system
    brain and spinal cord
  • cerebellum
    highly folded outgrowth in the rear of brain , involved in coordination
  • cerebral cortex
    highly folded outer layer of the brain