2017-08-01T15:01:02+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Kepler-20b, Kepler-20c, Kepler-20d, HD 69830 b, Gliese 777 c, HD 69830 c, Gliese 15 Ab, HD 219828 b, HD 125612 c, Kepler-90f, 61 Virginis d, BD-08°2823 b, HD 47186 b, Gliese 674 b, HD 16417 b, HD 179079 b, HD 90156 b flashcards
Hot Neptunes

Hot Neptunes

  • Kepler-20b
    Kepler-20b is an exoplanet orbiting Kepler-20.
  • Kepler-20c
    Kepler-20c is an exoplanet orbiting Kepler-20.
  • Kepler-20d
    Kepler-20d is an exoplanet orbiting Kepler-20.
  • HD 69830 b
    HD 69830 b is a Neptune-mass or super-Earth-mass exoplanet orbiting the star HD 69830.
  • Gliese 777 c
    Gliese 777 c, often catalogued as Gliese 777 Ac or simply HD 190360 c, is an extrasolar planet approximately 52 light-years away in the constellation of Cygnus.
  • HD 69830 c
    HD 69830 c is an exoplanet orbiting HD 69830.
  • Gliese 15 Ab
    It was discovered in August 2014.
  • HD 219828 b
    HD 219828 b is an extrasolar planet approximately 265 light years away in the constellation of Pegasus.
  • HD 125612 c
    HD 125612 c is an extrasolar planet which orbits the G-type main sequence star HD 125612, located approximately 180 light years away in the constellation Virgo.
  • Kepler-90f
    Kepler-90f is a hot Neptune with a radius 0.
  • 61 Virginis d
    61 Virginis d (abbreviated 61 Vir d) is a proposed exoplanet orbiting the 5th apparent-magnitude G-type main-sequence star 61 Virginis in the constellation Virgo.
  • BD-08°2823 b
    BD-08°2823 b (also known as HIP 49067 b) is an extrasolar planet which orbits the K-type main sequence star BD-08°2823, located approximately 137 light years away in the constellation Sextans.
  • HD 47186 b
    HD 47186 b is a “hot Neptune” extrasolar planet located approximately 123 light years away in the constellation of Canis Major, orbiting the star HD 47186.
  • Gliese 674 b
    Gliese 674 b is an extrasolar planet approximately 15 light years away in the constellation of Ara.
  • HD 16417 b
    HD 16417 b (also called λ2 Fornacis b) is an extrasolar planet located approximately 84 light years away in the constellation of Fornax, orbiting the 6th magnitude G-type main sequence star HD 16417.
  • HD 179079 b
    HD 179079 b is an extrasolar planet which orbits the G-type subgiant star HD 179079, located approximately 208 light years away in the constellation Aquila.
  • HD 90156 b
    HD 90156 b is an extrasolar planet which orbits the G-type main sequence star HD 90156, located approximately 73 light years away in the constellation Hydra.