2024-03-02T21:07:47+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Benefits of the boom + 1 Specific fact</p>, <p>3 republican policies + elaborate</p>, <p>How did America make money from ww1 + what's isolationism</p>, <p>By ? one ????? was made every ??????</p>, <p>Cycle of prosperity</p>, <p>Losers of the boom</p>, <p>?% of Americans lived ????????? during ?????</p>, <p>What led to drop in farm prices</p>, <p>Farm prices dropped from $? to $? between ? and ?</p>, <p>3 cultural/social changes</p>, <p>Between ? and ? over ???? black Americans lynched</p>, <p>Deportations</p>, <p>Sacco and Vanzetti (Italians)</p>, <p>Prohibitions success</p>, <p>Prohibitions failures</p>, <p>St valentine day massacre and why</p>, <p>Industrial + Farm production dropped by ?%</p><p>Wages fell by ?%</p>, <p>In Cleveland, ?????</p>, <p>Hoovervilles</p>, <p>Hoover believed in what?</p>, <p>Roosevelt believed in what?</p>, <p>1st new deal 3 things he did</p>, <p>3 alphabet agencies 1st new deal</p>, <p>3 alphabet agencies 2nd new deal</p>, <p>3 failures of the new deal</p>, <p>Opposition to the new deal</p>, <p>By ???? America was ???????</p>, <p>Why'd unemployment disappear</p>, <p>Why'd African Americans want better treatment after WW2</p>, <p>Lend Lease</p>, <p>In the 50s, America ????????????</p>, <p>Why'd Teenagers develop their own styles and habit</p>, <p>1948-1958 Televisions</p>, <p>What did the committee led by McCarthy do</p>, <p>Why did McCarthy reign end</p>, <p>J Edgar Hoover n FBI</p>, <p>Discrimination of pay example</p>, <p>Emmett Till Case and what it did</p>, <p>Little Rock</p>, <p>Montgomery Bus Boycott led to what loss of income</p>, <p>Montgomery Bus Boycott success date</p>, <p>2 peaceful protest method NOT BOYCOTT OR MARCH</p>, <p>1963 march on Washington</p>, <p>Civil rights act - who signed when signed and what it is</p>, <p>Great society success and failure</p>, <p>NOW</p>, <p>Roe vs Wade</p> flashcards

History Paper 1 - America


  • Benefits of the boom + 1 Specific fact

    Ownership of new technologies spread fast + car ownership grew from 9 million to 26 million from 1919 to 1929

  • 3 republican policies + elaborate

    Laissez Faire - gouvernent did not interfere in business

    Tariffs - goods from other countries more expensive so American business advantaged

    Low tax - people had more money to spend

  • How did America make money from ww1 + what's isolationism

    America made lots of money selling goods to allies in Europe + America did not enter ww1 until 1917 so they did not face same losses as other countries

  • By ? one ????? was made every ??????

    By 1927 1 Model T Ford made every 10 seconds

  • Cycle of prosperity

    More people bought more goods, which led to more jobs, which led to more people having more boney to buy more goods etc etc etc

  • Losers of the boom

    African Americans immigrants farmers

  • ?% of Americans lived ????????? during ?????

    42% of Americans lived below the poverty line during the 20s

  • What led to drop in farm prices


  • Farm prices dropped from $? to $? between ? and ?

    $22b to $13b between 1919 and 1929

  • 3 cultural/social changes

    Cinema-Hollywood began to develop and huge stars like Charlie Chaplin

    Jazz-More people owned radios so music became more popular

    Position of women-Young wealthy women had more freedom. wore shorter skirts, drunk and smoked in public. called 'flappers'

  • Between ? and ? over ???? black Americans lynched

    Between 1919 and 1925 over 300 black Americans lynched

  • Deportations

    About 10,000 deported with estimated 500 having actual evidence against them

  • Sacco and Vanzetti (Italians)

    Accused of murder and evidence against them was very thin but judge referred to them as 'anarchist bastards' and they were sentenced to death

  • Prohibitions success

    Alcohol consumption fell by 30%

  • Prohibitions failures

    Bootleggers made a fortune and one agent recorded it took him 35 s to find alcohol in New Orleans

  • St valentine day massacre and why

    Al Capones mens murdered 7 rival gang members because they fought for the control of the lucrative business of bootlegging in Chicago

  • Industrial + Farm production dropped by ?%

    Wages fell by ?%

    Industrial + Farm production dropped by 40%

    Wages fell by 60%

  • In Cleveland, ?????

    In Cleveland, 50% of people were out of work

  • Hoovervilles

    Developed on the outskirts of towns, people built shelter from rubbish as they lost money

  • Hoover believed in what?

    'Rugged individualism'

  • Roosevelt believed in what?

    'Active government'

  • 1st new deal 3 things he did

    1) Closed all the banks and reopened 5000 trusted ones

    2) Fireside chats on Sunday where he explained what he's doing to the nation

    3)Alphabet agencies

  • 3 alphabet agencies 1st new deal

    FERA-Met the urgent needs of the poor like money for soup kitchens

    CCC-Employed young men mainly working in national parks

    AAA-Reduced farm production to try increase prices

  • 3 alphabet agencies 2nd new deal

    RA-Moved 500k farmers to new land and gave small loans

    Wagner Act-Forced employers to allow trade unions

    Social security act-State pensions and help for the sick/disabled

  • 3 failures of the new deal

    Economic recovery was slow

    Unemployment remained

    Aimed mostly at men, women left out

  • Opposition to the new deal

    Huey long said he didn't do enough, he wanted wealth to be shared more fairly

    Businessmen said he did too much and interfered with economy

  • By ???? America was ???????

    By 1944, America was making half the weapons produced in the whole world

  • Why'd unemployment disappear

    War created jobs for Americans

  • Why'd African Americans want better treatment after WW2

    They seen that blacks received better treatment

  • Lend Lease

    America lent resources to their allies under the pretence they will receive money or resources back

  • In the 50s, America ????????????

    Produced nearly half of the goods in the world

  • Why'd Teenagers develop their own styles and habit

    Had more leisure time

  • 1948-1958 Televisions

    1948, 0.4% of homes owned a TV

    1958, 83% of homes owned a TV

  • What did the committee led by McCarthy do

    They put many people on trial and found guilty on very flimsy evidence

  • Why did McCarthy reign end

    He attacked the army and public felt he went too far

  • J Edgar Hoover n FBI

    J Edgar Hoover supported McCarthy - FBI kept files on about 1 million suspects

  • Discrimination of pay example

    Black teachers paid 30% less than white teachers

  • Emmett Till Case and what it did

    A white shop owner felt he was being cheeky and then he was beaten, had his eye gouged out and thrown into the river. This case inspired many to join civil rights movement

  • Little Rock

    Eisenhower sent national troops for 6 weeks to ensure the 9 African American students could attend the white school

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott led to what loss of income

    Buses lost 2/3 of income

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott success date

    1956 the Supreme Court said segregation on bus is illegal

  • 2 peaceful protest method NOT BOYCOTT OR MARCH

    sit in and freedom rides

  • 1963 march on Washington

    250k people marched asking for a civil rights bill and it was successful

  • Civil rights act - who signed when signed and what it is

    Johnson signed it in 1964 and it made discrimination by any government organisation illegal

  • Great society success and failure

    1965 medicare where over 65s and very poor had free health care


    too much money spent on Vietnam war so money for great society limited

  • NOW

    Friedan helped set up the National Organisation for Women and it fought for womens rights

  • Roe vs Wade

    Supreme Court established abortion was legal anywhere in America during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy