2017-07-30T06:14:20+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Boston Tea Party, North American fur trade, Mayflower Compact, Puritans, Wampum, Yamasee, Pilgrim Fathers, Disease in colonial America, Slave breeding in the United States, Treatment of slaves in the United States, Colonial history of New Jersey, Winthrop Fleet, New Netherland settlements, Virginia Declaration of Rights, Maryland in the American Revolution, Old English District, History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99), Mitchell Map flashcards
History of the Thirteen Colonies

History of the Thirteen Colonies

  • Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party (initially referred to by John Adams as "the Destruction of the Tea in Boston") was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, on December 16, 1773.
  • North American fur trade
    The North American fur trade was the industry and activities related to the acquisition, trade, exchange, and sale of animal furs in North America.
  • Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony.
  • Puritans
    The Puritans were a group of English Reformed Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to "purify" the Church of England from its "Catholic" practices, maintaining that the Church of England was only partially reformed.
  • Wampum
    Wampum are traditional shell beads of the Eastern Woodlands tribes of the indigenous people of North America.
  • Yamasee
    The Yamasee were a multiethnic confederation of Native Americans who lived in the coastal region of present-day northern coastal Georgia near the Savannah River and later in northeastern Florida.
  • Pilgrim Fathers
    The Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers were early European settlers of the Plymouth Colony in present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.
  • Disease in colonial America
    Disease in colonial America that afflicted the early immigrant settlers was a dangerous threat to life.
  • Slave breeding in the United States
    Slave breeding in the United States includes any practice of slave ownership that aimed to systematically influence the reproduction of slaves in order to increase the wealth of slaveholders.
  • Treatment of slaves in the United States
    The treatment of slaves in the United States varied by time and place, but was generally brutal and degrading.
  • Colonial history of New Jersey
    European colonization of New Jersey started soon after the 1609 exploration of its coast and bays by Sir Henry Hudson.
  • Winthrop Fleet
    The Winthrop Fleet was a group of 11 ships led by John Winthrop that carried about 1000 Puritans plus livestock and provisions from England to New England over the summer of 1630, during the period of the so-called Great Migration.
  • New Netherland settlements
    New Netherland, or Nieuw-Nederland in Dutch, was the 17th century colonial province of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands on northeastern coast of North America.
  • Virginia Declaration of Rights
    The Virginia Declaration of Rights is a document drafted in 1776 to proclaim the inherent rights of men, including the right to reform or abolish "inadequate" government.
  • Maryland in the American Revolution
    The Province of Maryland had been a British colony since 1632, when George Calvert, 1st Baron Baltimore received a charter and grant from King Charles I of England and first created a haven for English Catholics in the New World, with his son, Cecil, equipping and sending over the first colonists to the Chesapeake Bay region.
  • Old English District
    Old English District was one of the districts of Tryon County when it was set off from Albany County, in the American colony of New York, on March 12, 1772.
  • History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99)
    Jamestown was the first settlement of the Virginia Colony, founded in 1607, and served as capital of Virginia until 1699, when the seat of government was moved to Williamsburg.
  • Mitchell Map
    (Not to be confused with Mitchell's School Atlas.) The Mitchell Map is a map made by John Mitchell (1711–1768), which was reprinted several times during the second half of the 18th century.