2021-07-18T03:02:13+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entruedensely packed cells, acinar, Which of the following is a transient cell of connective tissue?, Which of the following is a type of fat found in hibernating animals?, fibroblasts, form from a precursor within bone marrow, dense regular connective tissue, mast cells, loose connective tissue, Parenchymaflashcards
Characteristics of connective tissue include all the following EXCEPT
An adenomere that is grape or round shaped is
Which of the following is a transient cell of connective tissue?
plasma cell
Which of the following is a type of fat found in hibernating animals?
The cells responsible for making the collagen and ground substance of connective tissue are
form from a precursor within bone marrow
Both macrophages and mast cells
dense regular connective tissue
Tissue that withstands dress very well in one direction is
mast cells
These cells release granules in response to antigens like those from allergies
loose connective tissue
A connective tissue that specializes in allowing access to cells of defense is
The functional part of a gland is the
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