2021-07-21T23:27:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueWhy are melanocytes harder to spot in connective tissue than epithelium?, If you looked at a slide and saw many mast cells and elicited macrophages, what would you think is happening?, How is adipose tissue structurally like and different from epithelium?, Besides those listed in the lecture, name three other places you find non-specialized connective tissue., explain their function elastic, reticular, and collagen fibers.flashcards
Why are melanocytes harder to spot in connective tissue than epithelium?
Because the halo that connects with the desmosomes and the Hemidesmosomes are not present in the melanocyte.
If you looked at a slide and saw many mast cells and elicited macrophages, what would you think is happening?
There could be an infection or allergy occurring in your body, so the mast site would produce to attack any infections. The macrophages are breakdown pathogens.
How is adipose tissue structurally like and different from epithelium?
Adipose tissue has a basement membrane which is structurally similar to the epithelium. Adipose tissue contains vasculatures, whereas epithelium does not at all.
Besides those listed in the lecture, name three other places you find non-specialized connective tissue.
explain their function elastic, reticular, and collagen fibers.
Collagen fibers – strengthens, structures, and flex tissue.
Reticular fiber – functions as a filter for cells when they have aged and are ready to be broken down or recycled.
Elastic fibers – provides flexibility to tissue.
Why are melanocytes harder to spot in connective tissue than epithelium?
Because the halo that connects with the desmosomes and the Hemidesmosomes are not present in the melanocyte.
If you looked at a slide and saw many mast cells and elicited macrophages, what would you think is happening?
There could be an infection or allergy occurring in your body, so the mast site would produce to attack any infections. The macrophages are breakdown pathogens.
How is adipose tissue structurally like and different from epithelium?
Adipose tissue has a basement membrane which is structurally similar to the epithelium. Adipose tissue contains vasculatures, whereas epithelium does not at all.
Besides those listed in the lecture, name three other places you find non-specialized connective tissue.
explain their function elastic, reticular, and collagen fibers.
Collagen fibers – strengthens, structures, and flex tissue.
Reticular fiber – functions as a filter for cells when they have aged and are ready to be broken down or recycled.
Elastic fibers – provides flexibility to tissue.
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