2021-08-02T02:02:26+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueWhich of the following is a non-granulocyte?, Which of the following is the hardest formed element to locate in a blood smear (because it is so rare)?, Granulocytes are generally named after, What is the most common type of blood cell (formed element)?, Another term for platelet is, Different types of lymphocytes, T or B, can be differentiated by, What would likely be the cause of high levels of eosinophils in a blood sample?, Among the different types of cells found in mammalian peripheral blood, which is most similar to the heterophil of non-mammalian blood?, Among the different types of cells found in peripheral blood, which is most similar to a mast cell?, The typical stain for blood smears isflashcards
Which of the following is the hardest formed element to locate in a blood smear (because it is so rare)?
Granulocytes are generally named after
the color the granules stain.
What is the most common type of blood cell (formed element)?
Another term for platelet is
Different types of lymphocytes, T or B, can be differentiated by
What would likely be the cause of high levels of eosinophils in a blood sample?
A parasitic infection
Among the different types of cells found in mammalian peripheral blood, which is most similar to the heterophil of non-mammalian blood?
Among the different types of cells found in peripheral blood, which is most similar to a mast cell?
The typical stain for blood smears is
Wright & Giemsa
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