2021-07-12T17:16:28+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entruetheleo-tissue grows
epi-upon another, Functions of Epithelia: Protection, Functions of Epithelia: Absorption, Functions of Epithelia: Secretion, Functions of Epithelia: Selective permeability, Functions of Epithelia: Surface transport of substances, Functions of Epithelia: Sensory reception, Epithelial Classification: Based on cell shape, Simple Squamous Epithelium, Simple Squamous Epithelium: Associated with minimal friction
, Simple Cuboidal: Principal Locations:
, Stratified Squamous Epithelium “Non-Keratinized”, Stratified Cuboidal and Columnar Epithelia: Line large ducts, Stratified Cuboidal and Columnar Epithelia: Line large ducts, Bi-nucleated apical cellsflashcards
Functions of Epithelia: Surface transport of substances
Functions of Epithelia: Sensory reception
Epithelial Classification: Based on cell shape
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Simple Squamous Epithelium: Associated with minimal friction
Simple Cuboidal: Principal Locations:
Secretory lining of certain glands that form follicles (ex. thyroid)
Stratified Squamous Epithelium “Non-Keratinized”
Stratified Cuboidal and Columnar Epithelia: Line large ducts
Stratified Cuboidal and Columnar Epithelia: Line large ducts
Bi-nucleated apical cells
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