What are some of the legal regulatory frameworks that exist in Canada and what do they do?
PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act): defines how gov. or orgs. may collect, use and disclose personal information.
PHIA (Personal Health Information Act): protects the rights of citizens and how they're information will be shared.
What are some things that HIM directors and managers are responsible for?
- ensures the accuracy, completeness and consistency of the info
- guarantees that their practices for collection, storage, access and disposal are in place and are met
- provides appropriate training and tools for their employees
The stage for capture and collection is to collect or receive health information. What sort of information might they collect and why?
Clinical and administrative data; for research, education and risk management.
List some data types and formats.
- discrete, structured (e-charting of labs and medication orders)
- unstructured data (free text)
- graphic (ECG or fetal monitor strips)
- real audio (digital heart sounds)
- streaming video (streams of surgeries being performed)
An organization decides how information is collected and constructed. True or false?
When collecting data, why must we limit the use of symbols, acronyms and abbreviations?
To prevent misinterpretation in the data.
What measures can be taken to protect authorship and integrity of the document as a legal record?
Introducing policies that would limit cut, copy and paste functionalities.
What is a data dictionary?
A dictionary that outlines definition, formats and acceptable values for each data element (what should be put in this area).
It is acceptable to erase or delete data in a health record. True or false?
False; no deletions should be made.
How should you mark a blank space?
They should be crossed out to prevent unneeded information to be added.
Should all blanks on forms be completed?
Yes, especially on consent forms.
What is SOAP?
It is a guideline for providers on what to document a patient's condition.
Define the acronyms of SOAP?
S - subjective: chief complaint, history, symptoms (not observed by the physician)
O - objective: vitals, measurements
A - assessment: diagnosis
P -plan: treatment plan, and additional tests
What is included in a Master Patient Index (MPI)?
- demographics
- visit dates
- specific identifiers for patients (PHIN, address)
What is the difference between serial numbering and serial unit numbering?
Serial numbering: patient receives a new medical record # each time they visit but each record is placed in different areas. However, with serial unit numbering, it moves to a different spot along with each of its previous records each time the patient is assigned a new number.
What is the difference between a qualitative analysis and a quantitative analysis?
Qualitative: if all the information included is accurate; consistency, mistakes (checks for the quality).
Quantitative: checks if all the documents are complete and present; consents are signed and present, reports all signed, etc.
What is a retrospective view?
Process during quality and quantity audits.
Who is primarily responsible for documenting information in the patient record?
Doctors, physicians
Why is it important to ensure that data collection and analysis about
patient medical information complete and accurate?
For overall patient care (primary) and for secondary purposes.
Name 2 advantages of terminal digit filing over straight numerical filing.
- easy to locate
- latest charts are going to be in one shelf
What are the 3 primary steps in a record retention program?
- length of maintenance
- whether its centralized or decentralized storage
- paper or electronic
Explain the difference between a centralized and decentralized storage.
Centralized: in the facility
Decentralized: outside the facility
What do check for in the stage of preservation?
- data integrity
- data quality
- data quality audits
What does disposition refer to?
The destruction of the data and record.