strength of association
-stronger association; gives us a more compelling case for causality
consistency in repeated analyses
-repeated observation across different populations or circumstances
a single effect
In order for a causal relationship to be true, a cause must lead to ________.
cause must precede the effect in time
What must be the case in regards to the timing of cause & effect in regards to causality?
biological gradient
-dose-response or duration-response relationship
-the existence of foundational scientific or biological theory
The event rate is the same in the treatment and control groups. (O)
The event rate in the treatment group is higher than the event rate in the control group. (O)
The event rate in the treatment group is lower than the event rate in the control group.
Implies no difference in risk of the outcome between the groups. (R)
Implies a greater risk of the outcome in the treatment group. (R)
Implies a lower risk of the outcome in the treatment group. (R)