2023-03-21T05:18:57+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>strength of association</p>, <p>consistency in repeated analyses</p>, <p>a single effect</p>, <p>cause must precede the effect in time</p>, <p>biological gradient</p>, <p>plausibility </p>, <p>OR=1</p>, <p>OR&gt;1</p>, <p>OR&lt;1 </p>, <p>RR=1</p>, <p>RR&gt;1</p>, <p>RR&lt;1</p> flashcards
Hill's Criteria for Determining Causal Associations

Hill's Criteria for Determining Causal Associations

  • strength of association

    -stronger association; gives us a more compelling case for causality

  • consistency in repeated analyses

    -repeated observation across different populations or circumstances

  • a single effect

    In order for a causal relationship to be true, a cause must lead to ________.

  • cause must precede the effect in time

    What must be the case in regards to the timing of cause & effect in regards to causality?

  • biological gradient

    -dose-response or duration-response relationship

  • plausibility

    -the existence of foundational scientific or biological theory

  • OR=1

    The event rate is the same in the treatment and control groups. (O)

  • OR>1

    The event rate in the treatment group is higher than the event rate in the control group. (O)

  • OR<1

    The event rate in the treatment group is lower than the event rate in the control group.

  • RR=1

    Implies no difference in risk of the outcome between the groups. (R)

  • RR>1

    Implies a greater risk of the outcome in the treatment group. (R)

  • RR<1

    Implies a lower risk of the outcome in the treatment group. (R)