2023-09-07T05:04:58+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Aid, Bilateral aid, Emergency aid, Epidemic, Governance, inclusiveness and broad, Gross National Income (GNI), Infrastructure, Microfinance, Multilateral aid, <p>Non government organisation (NGO) aid -</p>, Official Development Assistance (ODA), Private sector, Sustainability, Dfat, official Development Assistance (ODA), Aid partnership, In line with prority, Agriculture, fisheries, water, Gender equality, Polio eradication/ end polio campaign, What is polio?, Effect, Contamination, Vaccination, The increase in Afghanistan in Pakistan flashcards
hhd unit 4 aos 2

hhd unit 4 aos 2

  • Aid
    assistance given to countries or communities in the event of a crisis or for the development of long-term sustainable improvements
  • Bilateral aid
    the provision of aid from the government of one country to the government of another country
  • Emergency aid
    rapid assistance given to people or countries in immediate distress to relieve suffering during
  • Epidemic
    when the rate of disease significantly exceeds what is expected based on recent trends
  • Governance
    the structures and processes that are designed to ensure accountability, transparency, rule of law,
  • inclusiveness and broad
    based participation in society
  • Gross National Income (GNI)
    the total value of goods and services a country’s citizens produce, including the
  • Infrastructure
    the physical and organisational structures, facilities and systems (e.g. buildings, roads, power
  • Microfinance
    small, low-cost financial services for poor people that involve low-interest loans to develop
  • Multilateral aid
    aid provided through an international organisation, such as the World Bank, United Nations or
  • Non government organisation (NGO) aid -

    NGOs take different approaches to aid, which can include specific projects or programs, emergency aid, volunteering, education and development. The aid provided by NGOs often focuses on communities.

    they are non-political and secular, usually having expertise reaching rural areas.

  • Official Development Assistance (ODA)

    financial assistance provided by donor government agencies to low- and middle income countries or to multilateral aid agencies. Also known as aid.

  • Private sector
    part of a country’s economic system that is run by individuals and companies, rather than
  • Sustainability
    meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
  • Dfat
    focus on promoting human and strength private sector development. 0.22 contributed
  • official Development Assistance (ODA)
    to several countries. Figure 12.10 highlights the many areas in the world where DFAT is providing assistance. Given its proximity to Australia, the Indo–Pacific region is the focus of Australia’s aid program
  • Aid partnership
    ngo, ml and bl org, private sector partnership like westpac corporate provide small loans for female owned business in low middle income countries.
  • In line with prority
    microfinanc, sanitation, schools
  • Agriculture, fisheries, water
    strengthening markets, innovation, productivity, effective policies
  • Gender equality
    women economic empowerment, leadership, reduce femicide
  • Polio eradication/ end polio campaign
    Whats rotary: clubs everywhere, idk what they do . They became partners in the humaniarian project with the WHO.
  • What is polio?

    caused by poliovirus. 3 types - wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1), wild poliovirus type 2 (WPV2) and wild poliovirus type 3 (WPV3). but have same effects ranging.

  • Effect
    has can vary from nothing through to death, the first time effects gi track, seoncd affecting the nerve system, causing motor issues, attacks spinal, become particle-paralysed. Then in the legs is acute flaccid paralysis.
  • Contamination
    via faeces, or touch event and vaccine derived polio types
  • Vaccination
    John Salk created the first vaccination of polio, but never patented it to get royalties. Sabin oral which is twicked version of polio itself, usually to kids.
  • The increase in Afghanistan in Pakistan
    usually in border region was due to misinformation with colluded polio and covid information, political turmoil, threats to workers.