Hookworm and Threadworm anatomy
They’re long bodied, cylindrical, uncut, worm-like, bilaterally symmetrical, and tapering at both ends.
How are hookworm/threadworms contracted?
Via skin contact with contaminated soil; the rest transmit through egg ingestion.
What are Cestodes?
Tapeworms. Common tapeworms include- the beef tapeworm, pork tapeworm and Asian tapeworm.
What is the anatomy of a cestode?
Adult tapeworms are ribbon-like, flattened, segmented, 5-10 meters in length, consisting of a scolex, neck and immature, mature, and ripe segments in linear sequence. They don’t have a digestive system and are segmented (made of little sections).
What are shed cestode segments called?
What are intermediate hosts of cestodes? How do they infect their hosts?
Fleas, lice, and small mammals. Their eggs are ingested through contaminated food, then the final host ingests the intermediate host whilst grooming.