2017-07-27T22:49:05+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Kokin Wakashū, Cloistered rule, Kana, Jitō, Shinden-zukuri, Dazaifu (government), Shoku Nihongi, The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, Wamyō Ruijushō, Gosen Wakashū, Ritsuryō, Cheonmin, Haji pottery, Engishiki, Rikkokushi, Shūi Wakashū, Goshūi Wakashū, Shika Wakashū, Sue pottery flashcards
Heian period

Heian period

  • Kokin Wakashū
    The Kokin Wakashū (古今和歌集, "Collection of Japanese Poems of Ancient and Modern Times"), commonly abbreviated as Kokinshū (古今集), is an early anthology of the waka form of Japanese poetry, dating from the Heian period.
  • Cloistered rule
    The cloistered rule system, or Insei (院政) (meaning "monastery administration"), was a specific form of government in Japan during the Heian period.
  • Kana
    Kana (仮名) are syllabic Japanese scripts, a part of the Japanese writing system contrasted with the logographic Chinese characters known in Japan as kanji (漢字).
  • Jitō
    Jitō (地頭) were medieval land stewards in Japan, especially in the Kamakura and Muromachi Shogunates.
  • Shinden-zukuri
    Shinden-zukuri developed into shoin-zukuri and sukiya-zukuri (detached teahouse type architecture).
  • Dazaifu (government)
    The Dazaifu (大宰府 or 太宰府) is a Japanese term for the regional government in Kyushu from the 8th to the 12th centuries.
  • Shoku Nihongi
    The Shoku Nihongi (続日本紀) is an imperially commissioned Japanese history text.
  • The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter
    The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (竹取物語 Taketori Monogatari) is a 10th-century Japanese monogatari (fictional prose narrative) containing folkloric elements.
  • Wamyō Ruijushō
    The Wamyō ruijushō or Wamyō ruijūshō (倭名類聚抄, "Japanese names [for things], classified and annotated") is a 938 CE Japanese dictionary of Chinese characters.
  • Gosen Wakashū
    The Gosen Wakashū (後撰和歌集 Later Collection of Japanese Poems), often abbreviated as Gosenshū ("Later Collection"), is an imperial anthology of Japanese waka compiled in 951 at the behest of Emperor Murakami by the Five Men of the Pear Chamber: Ōnakatomi no Yoshinobu (922-991), Kiyohara no Motosuke (908-990), Minamoto no Shitagō (911-983), Ki no Tokibumi (flourished ~950), and Sakanoue no Mochiki (flourished ~950).
  • Ritsuryō
    Ritsuryō (律令) is the historical law system based on the philosophies of Confucianism and Chinese Legalism in Japan.
  • Cheonmin
    Cheonmin, or "vulgar commoners," were the lowest caste of commoners in dynastical Korea.
  • Haji pottery
    Haji pottery (土師器 Hajiki) is a type of plain, unglazed, reddish-brown Japanese pottery or earthenware that was produced during the Kofun, Nara, and Heian periods of Japanese history.
  • Engishiki
    The Engishiki (延喜式, "Procedures of the Engi Era") is a Japanese book about laws and customs.
  • Rikkokushi
    Rikkokushi (六国史) is a general term for Japan's six national histories chronicling the mythology and history of Japan from the earliest times to 887.
  • Shūi Wakashū
    The Shūi Wakashū (拾遺和歌集, "Collection of Gleanings"), often abbreviated as Shūishū, is the third imperial anthology of waka from Heian period Japan.
  • Goshūi Wakashū
    The Goshūi Wakashū (後拾遺和歌集 Later Collection of Gleanings of Japanese Poems), sometimes abbreviated as Goshūishū, is an imperial anthology of Japanese waka compiled in 1086 at the behest of Emperor Shirakawa (who had ordered it begun in 1075).
  • Shika Wakashū
    Shika Wakashū (詞花和歌集 "Collection of Verbal Flowers"), abbreviated as Shikashū, is an imperial anthology of Japanese waka, compiled c.
  • Sue pottery
    Sue pottery (須恵器 sueki, literally offering ware) was a blue-gray form of high-fired pottery which was produced in Japan and southern Korea during the Kofun, Nara, and Heian periods of Japanese history.