Define health.
The ability to identify and to realize aspirations, to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with environment. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capabilities.
What are the 7 dimensions of wellness?
Define wellness.
The good health and sense of well-being on many levels to an individual. It goes beyond their physical health but also how they feel about their health.
Define illness.
How a person feels about their health, even without a disease present. They may feel ill from stress or exhaustion.
Define disease.
A condition where a person's physical and mental functions deviate from normal.
Define disability.
A physical/mental incapacity that normal function. It can result from an illness, accident or genes.
Define health model.
A design for delivering health care.
Name some health models.
1. The medical model
2. The holistic model (focuses on all parts of a person)
3. The Indigenous Wholistic Theory for Health
4. The wellness model (where health evolves to a state of improved health)
The ___ is a health model that focuses on the effects of disabilities in a person's quality of life, rather than on the cause.
The international classification of functioning disability and health (ICF) is a health model that focuses on the effects of disabilities in a person's quality of life, rather than on the cause.
Define health behaviour.
Activities a person engages in to acquire and maintain good physical and physiological health.
What does the health belief model describe?
Explains that people’s beliefs about their personal health and susceptibility to illness affect their health behavior.
What is the transtheoretical model?
It's a framework for promoting adaptive changes in a person's health behaviour. Done through steps:
- precontemplation
- contemplation
- preparation
- action
- maintenance
- termination
What is the wellness-illness continuum?
A method of measuring a person's state of health any any given point in time. Movement is constant.
What is the sick role behaviour?
How a person's behaviour change when they're ill.
The stages of illness are stages of how a patient accepts a diagnose and treatment plan. What are the steps?
What is the most leading cause of death in Canada?