2024-01-30T13:12:58+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>explain what is meant by reversible reaction</p>, <p>explain what is meant by dynamic equilibrium</p>, <p>state La Chatelier's Principle</p>, <p>describe effects of changes in conc/partial pressure on system at equilibrium and its equilibrium constant</p>, <p>describe effects of changes in total pressure on system at equilibrium and its equilibrium constant</p>, <p>describe effects of changes in temp on system at equilibrium and its equilibrium constant</p>, <p>define equilibrium constant(K<sub>c</sub>) in terms of conc</p>, <p>define equilibrium constant(K<sub>p</sub>) in terms of partial pressures</p>, <p>how is position of equilibrium(K) dependent on ∆G<sup>Ɵ</sup>?</p>, <p>describe and explain conditions of Haber process</p>, <p>how to calculate Kc/Kp or equilibrium quantities of species from data?</p> flashcards
H2 Chemistry 8 - Chemical Equilibrium

H2 Chemistry 8 - Chemical Equilibrium

  • explain what is meant by reversible reaction

    reaction which can proceed in both → & ← directions; equilibrium reached when both pdt, rxt present in reaction mixture

  • explain what is meant by dynamic equilibrium

    refers to state of balance in reversible rxn >

    rate of → rxn = rate of ← rxn >

    conc of all rxt, pdt remain constant

  • state La Chatelier's Principle

    when system @ equilibrium disturbed by △ in conditions, POE shifts to counteract effect of change, re-establish equilibrium

  • describe effects of changes in conc/partial pressure on system at equilibrium and its equilibrium constant


    species added/removed, conc/partial pressure ↑/↓ >

    by LCP, system favours →/← rxn to remove/form species in order to decrease/increase [species], re-establish equilibrium >

    >pdt react to produce >rxt/>rxt react to produce >pdt


    not affected

  • describe effects of changes in total pressure on system at equilibrium and its equilibrium constant


    pressure inversely proportional to volume

    volume ↑/↓, total pressure ↓/↑ >

    by LCP, system favours →/← rxn to increase/decrease total no. of gas particles to ↑/↓ total pressure >

    POE shifts → ←


    not affected

  • describe effects of changes in temp on system at equilibrium and its equilibrium constant


    △H>0, endothermic

    △H<0, exothermic

    temp ↑/↓, system favours →/← rxn to absorb/evolve some heat to ↓/↑ temp


    when →/← rxn favoured, [pdt]/[rxt] △!!!

  • define equilibrium constant(Kc) in terms of conc

    aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD

    Kc = [C]ceqm[D]deqm/[A]aeqm[B]beqm

    unit of Kc = (moldm-3)(c+d)-(a+b)

    [H2O(l)] omitted when...

    eqm in aq medium, H2O is solvent, [H2O] >>

    [H2O(l)] relatively constant, amount formed/reacted away very small

  • define equilibrium constant(Kp) in terms of partial pressures

    (gaseous systems only)

    aA(g) + bB(g) ⇌ cC(g) + dD(g)

    Kp = pCc x pCd /pCa x pCb

    pX = partial pressure of gas X @ eqm(atm,Pa,Nm-2)

    unit of Kp = (atm/Pa/Nm-2)(c+d)-(a+b)

  • how is position of equilibrium(K) dependent on ∆GƟ?

    ∆GƟ > 0(spontaneous), K > 1, then;

    position of eqm lies far right(K>>1, reaction proceeds near completion)

    ∆GƟ < 0(non-spontaneous), K < 1, then;

    position of eqm lies far left(KK<<1, reaction hardly proceeds)

  • describe and explain conditions of Haber process

    N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2 NH3(g), ∆HƟ=−92kJmol−1

    optimum temp


    low temp shifts POE →, favour → rxn >

    NH3(g) yield ↑, but rate too slow @ low temp >

    moderate temp(450-500oC) allow reach POE @ higher rate while relatively high yield

    optimum pressure


    high pressure shifts POE →, favour → rxn >

    NH3(g) yield ↑, reach POE ↑, but too ex >

    moderate pressure(200-250atm) allow relatively high yield @ low cost


    finely divided Fe catalyst

    reach POE @ faster rate; catalyst ↑ rate of both →/← rxn by same extent >

    yield constant

  • how to calculate Kc/Kp or equilibrium quantities of species from data?

    use ICE; Initial, Change, Equilibrium

    quantities in mol, moldm-3, atm >

    calculate eqm amount of species in rxn >

    form Kc/Kp eqn with units >

    obtain Kc/Kp or eqm quantity of species