define entropy(S)
measure of degree of disorderliness in system; the > disorderly a system is, the > value of entropy
interpret sign of change in entropy
△ in S>0, ↑ in disorderliness of system
△ in S<0, ↓ in disorderliness of system
how temperature affects entropy?
temp ↑, S ↑ as disorderliness of system ↑.
↑temp ↑ average KE of particles >
broadening of Boltzmann energy distribution >
results in > ways of distributing energy quanta among particles
how phase affects entropy?
disorderliness ↑ from s>l>g
> ways to arrange particles & distribute energy among particles
how change in no. of particles affects entropy?
entropy ↑ due to ↑ in degree of disorderliness >
↑ in no. of particles >
> ways of arranging particles & distributing energy among particles in system
how mixing of particles affects entropy?
entropy ↑ due to ↑ in degree of disorderliness >
mixing results in > ways of arranging particles & distributing energy among particles
interpret sign of change in Gibbs Free Energy
G<0, reaction energetically feasible(spontaneous)
G>0, reaction not energetically feasible(not spontaneous)
G=0, system @ state of dynamic equilibrium
what are the limitations of Gibbs Free Energy Change?
only valid USC of 298K, 1 bar
does not account for kinetic feasibility of rxn
what is the equation of standard Gibbs Free Energy Change?
△G⦵ = △H⦵ - T△S⦵
T in K, △G⦵ & △H⦵ in kJmol-1, △S⦵ in kJmol-1K-1
temp △ will make reaction energetically feasible/not feasible at non-standard conditions