2024-05-22T06:12:25+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>define saturated solution</p>, <p>define solubility</p>, <p>what affects solubility?</p>, <p>define solubility product(K<sub>sp</sub>)</p>, <p>define ionic product</p>, <p>what is the relationship b/w IP and K<sub>sp</sub></p>, <p>how does common ion effect affect solubility of ionic salts?</p>, <p>how does complex ion formation affect solubility of ionic salts?</p>, <p>what is limitation of solubility product?</p> flashcards
H2 Chemistry 22 - Solubility product

H2 Chemistry 22 - Solubility product

  • define saturated solution

    solution that contains max amount of solute that can be dissolved in solvent @ given temp

  • define solubility

    max no. of moles of/mass of solute that can be dissolved in 1dm3 to form saturated solution @ fixed temp

  • what affects solubility?

    1. temp

    2. common ion effect

    3. pH

    4. complex ion formation

  • define solubility product(Ksp)

    Ksp of sparingly soluble salt, is product of molar conc of ions in saturated solution, raised to appropriate powers

  • define ionic product

    IP of solution is product of molar conc of constituent ions, raised to appropriate powers

  • what is the relationship b/w IP and Ksp


    all solid dissolves, solution is unsaturated, > solid can be dissolved


    all solid dissolves but no more solid can dissolve, solution is saturated


    excess solid that cannot stay dissolved precipitates out. reduces conc of ions in solution >

    conc of ions decrease by forming precipitate, IP decreases until IP=Ksp, solution saturated

  • how does common ion effect affect solubility of ionic salts?

    if sparingly soluble salt(<->) added to fully soluble salt(->) w/ common ion,

    [common ion] increases, POE of eqm salt shifts left to decrease [common ion] >

    presence of common ion decreases solubility of sparingly soluble salt

  • how does complex ion formation affect solubility of ionic salts?

    complex ion formation increases solubility of salt;

    addition of reagent shifts POE of complex ion eqn right, forms stable complex ion >

    [ion] decreases, IP of sparingly soluble salt decreases >

    IP<Ksp, POE of sparingly soluble salt eqn shifts to dissolve solid completely

  • what is limitation of solubility product?

    Ksp concept valid only for saturated solution of sparingly soluble salts, total concentrations of ions not > 0.0100moldm-3

    for > concs, inter-ionic attractions occur & Ksp no longer constant