2024-04-13T07:49:55+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>prepare RCOOH from 1<sup>o</sup> ROH OR RCHO</p>, <p>prepare RCOOH from alkylbenzene</p>, <p>prepare RCOOH from alkene</p>, <p>prepare RCOOH from nitrile</p>, <p>RCOOH react with REACTIVE metals</p>, <p>RCOOH react with bases</p>, <p>RCOOH react with carbonates</p>, <p>RCOOH form esters</p>, <p>RCOOH form RCOCl</p>, <p>RCOOH to 1<sup>o</sup> ROH</p>, <p>methanoic acid &amp; ethanedioic acid oxidation</p>, <p>methanoic acid &amp; ethanedioic acid dehydration</p>, <p>identify RCOOH</p>, <p>RCOCl hydrolysis</p>, <p>RCOCl react with ROH, phenols</p>, <p>RCOCl react with NH<sub>3</sub>, amines</p>, <p>identify RCOCl</p>, <p>prepare esters from RCOOH</p>, <p>prepare esters from RCOCl</p>, <p>hydrolyse esters</p>, <p>reduce esters</p>, <p>identify esters</p>, <p>what affects ease of hydrolysis of acyl chlorides?</p> flashcards
H2 Chemistry 18 - Carboxylic Acids

H2 Chemistry 18 - Carboxylic Acids

  • prepare RCOOH from 1o ROH OR RCHO

    reaction: oxidation

    1o ROH + [O] -> RCOOH + H2O

    r&c: K2Cr2O7/KMnO4(aq) H2SO4(aq), HUR

    RCHO + [O] -> RCOOH + H2O

    r&c: K2Cr2O7/KMnO4(aq) H2SO4(aq), heat

    obs: purple KMnO4(aq) turns colourless, orange K2Cr2O7(aq) turns green

  • prepare RCOOH from alkylbenzene


    r&c: KMnO4(aq), H2SO4(aq), heat

    obs: purple KMnO4(aq) turns colourless

  • prepare RCOOH from alkene

    STRONG Oxidation

    r&c: KMnO4(aq), H2SO4(aq), heat

    obs: purple KMnO4(aq) turns colourless

  • prepare RCOOH from nitrile

    acid hydrolysis

    r&c: H2SO4(aq), heat


    alkaline hydrolysis & acid-base rxn

    r&c: NaOH(aq), heat to get RCOO-

    THEN HCl/H2SO4(aq) to get RCOOH

  • RCOOH react with REACTIVE metals


    r&c: Na, K, Mg

    obs: effervescence of H2, H2 extinguishes lighted splint w/ pop sound

  • RCOOH react with bases

    acid-base reaction

    r&c: NaOH/KOH/NH3(aq)

  • RCOOH react with carbonates

    acid-base reaction(RCOOH only FG that reacts w/ CO32-

    r&c: Na2CO3/NaHCO3(aq)

    obs: effervescence of CO2, CO2 forms white ppt w/ limewater

  • RCOOH form esters

    condensation/ nucleophilic acyl substitution

    r&c: alcohol, conc. H2SO4, heat

    RCOOH -> loses -OH, ROH -> loses -H

    to form O-C=O(ester) and H2O(condensation)

    formation of ester favoured by excess ROH & removal of H2O by H2SO4

  • RCOOH form RCOCl

    nucleophilic acyl substitution

    r&c: PCl5, rtp(POCl3, HCl) /

    PCl3, heat(H3PO3) /

    SOCl2, heat(SO2, HCl)

    RCOOH -> -OH subbed by -Cl

  • RCOOH to 1o ROH


    r&c: LiAlH4(aq), dry ether

    RCOOH CANNOT BE REDUCED BY NaBH4, methanol/ H2(g), Ni catalyst

  • methanoic acid & ethanedioic acid oxidation


    r&c: KMnO4(aq), H2SO4(aq), heat under reflux

    obs: purple () decolourises, effervescence of CO2 forms white ppt w/ limewater

  • methanoic acid & ethanedioic acid dehydration


    r&c: conc. H2SO4, heat

    methanoic acid -> CO(g) + H2O

    ethanedioic acid -> CO2(g) + CO(g) + H2O

  • identify RCOOH

    acid carbonate test(preferred)

    acid-base reaction with CO32-

    reaction with PCl5, also test +ve with aliphatic ROH

  • RCOCl hydrolysis

    hydrolysis/nucleophilic acyl substitution

    r&c: water, rtp

    pdt: RCOOH + HCl(aq)(white fumes)

    acyl halides MOST susceptible to attack by nucleophiles -> highly electronegative =O and -Cl makes C highly electron-deficient

  • RCOCl react with ROH, phenols

    Condensation/Nucleophilic acyl substitution

    r&c: aliphatic ROH, rtppdt: ester + HCl


    r&c: phenol in NaOH(aq), rtp

    pdt: ester(with benzene ring) + HCl


  • RCOCl react with NH3, amines

    condensation/nucleophilic acyl substitution

    r&c: NH3/ 1o amine/ 2o amine, rtp

    **NH3 cannot be (aq), RCOCl will hydrolyse

    +NH3 -> RCONH2(1o amide) + HCl

    +RNH2(1o amine) -> 2o amide + HCl

    +(R)2NH2 (2o amine)-> 3o amide + HCl

  • identify RCOCl

    test: add AgNO3(aq) to a test tube containing RCOCl.

    obs: white ppt of AgCl formed immediately

    step 1: (aq) hydrolyses RCOCl -> RCOOH + HCl

    step 2: HCl dissociates in (aq) to form Cl-, reacts with Ag+ to form AgCl

  • prepare esters from RCOOH

    condensation/nucleophilic acyl substitution

    r&c: conc. H2SO4, heat

    **REACTION IS REVERSIBLE AS C is not as partially +ve, -OH is not a strong leaving group

  • prepare esters from RCOCl

    condensation/nucleophilic acyl substitution

    r&c: aliphatic ROH, rtp


    r&c: phenol in NaOH(aq), rtp


  • hydrolyse esters

    acid hydrolysis(+H2O)

    r&c: H2SO4(aq), heat

    pdt: get back ur RCOOH & ROH


    alkaline hydrolysis(+OH-) aka saponification

    r&c: NaOH/KOH(aq), heat

    pdt: get back ur RCOOH -> RCOO- & ROH

    **REACTION GOES TO COMPLETION, greater yield upon acidification

  • reduce esters


    r&c: LiAlH4, dry ether

    pdt: RCH2OH + ROH

  • identify esters

    identify ROH produced from hydrolysis(acid/alkaline)

    use triiodoform test/ oxidation

  • what affects ease of hydrolysis of acyl chlorides?
