2024-04-13T07:47:26+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>how electronic configuration vary across period?</p>, <p>how electronic configuration vary down group?</p>, <p>how atomic/ionic radii vary across period?</p>, <p>how atomic/ionic radii vary down group?</p>, <p>how 1st IE vary across period?</p>, <p>how ionic radii vary down group?</p>, <p>how electronegativity vary across period?</p>, <p>how electronegativity vary down group?</p>, <p>what is trend in melting point from Na to Ar?</p>, <p>what is trend in electrical conductivity from Na to Ar?</p>, <p>why volatility of halogens decrease down the group?</p>, <p>state, explain variation in highest oxidation no. for oxides(Na-&gt;S) &amp; chlorides(Na-&gt;P)</p>, <p>state, explain variation in bonding in oxides(Na-S)</p>, <p>state, explain variation in bonding in chlorides(Na-P)</p>, <p>state reactions of oxides(Na-S) w/ water</p>, <p>describe reactions of oxides(Na-S) w/ water</p>, <p>describe acid/base behaviour of oxides(Na-S)</p>, <p>explain acid/base behaviour of oxides(Na-S)</p>, <p>describe, explain acid/base behaviour of hydroxides(Na-Al)</p>, <p>describe reactions of chlorides(Na-P) w/ water</p>, <p>explain reactions of chlorides(Na-P) w/ water</p>, <p>describe, deduce from E<sup>⦵</sup> values, the relative reactivity of elements of Group 2 as reducing agents</p>, <p>describe, deduce from E<sup>⦵</sup> values, the relative reactivity of elements of Group 17 as oxidising agents</p>, <p>what affects thermal stability of group 2 carbonates?</p>, <p>describe, explain trend in thermal stability of Group 2 carbonates</p>, <p>describe, explain trend in thermal stability of Group 17 hydrides</p> flashcards
H2 Chemistry 12 - Periodic Table

H2 Chemistry 12 - Periodic Table

  • how electronic configuration vary across period?

    across period, no. of e- in same quantum shell ↑, no. of quantum shells constant

  • how electronic configuration vary down group?

    down group, no. of quantum shells ↑, no. of valence e- constant

  • how atomic/ionic radii vary across period?

    radii ↓ >

    ↑ in no. of protons while shielding effect remains relatively constant due to same no. of inner shell e- >

    nuclear attraction on valence e-

  • how atomic/ionic radii vary down group?

    radii ↑ >

    ↑ in no. of principle quantum shells, valence e- further from nucleus >

    ↑ in shielding effect outweighs ↑ in nuclear charge >

    nuclear attraction on valence e-

  • how 1st IE vary across period?

    1st IE ↑ >

    ↑ in nuclear charge, shielding effect relatively constant due to same no. of inner shell e- >

    nuclear attraction valence e- ↑ >

    > energy req remove 1 e-

  • how ionic radii vary down group?

    1st IE ↓ >

    ↑ in no. of principal quantum shells, valence e- further from nucleus >

    shielding effect ↑ by more inner shell e- outweighs ↑ in nuclear charge >

    < energy req remove 1 e-

  • how electronegativity vary across period?

    ↑; nuclear charge ↑, shielding effect relatively constant >

    nuclear attraction on valence e- ↑, electronegativity ↑

  • how electronegativity vary down group?

    ↓; ↑ in no. of principal quantum shells, valence e- further from nucleus >

    ↑ in shielding effect outweighs ↑ in nuclear charge >

    ↓ nuclear attraction on valence e-, electronegativity ↓

  • what is trend in melting point from Na to Ar?

    Na<Mg<Al; mp ↑>

    ↑ amount of energy req overcome ↑ strength of metallic bonds b/w respective metal cations, mobile delocalised e- as no. of delocalised e- ↑, charge density ↑ as atomic radii ↓

    Si highest >

    giant covalent structure, large amount energy req overcome strong covalent bonds b/w Si atoms

    S8<P4<Cl2<Ar >

    Cl2,P4,S8; simple molecular structure, Ar; simple monoatomic structure >

    ↓ amount of energy req overcome ↓ strength of id-id attractions b/w molecules as no. of e- per molecule to be polarised ↓ in same order

  • what is trend in electrical conductivity from Na to Ar?

    Na<Mg<Al; ↑>

    metallic bonding, delocalised valence e- act as mobile charge carriers >

    no. of such e- ↑ from Na to Al

    P4<Al<Si >

    Si metalloid; semi-conductor w/ low conductivity

    S8, P4, Cl2, Ar poor conductors, mobile charge carriers absent

  • why volatility of halogens decrease down the group?

    down group, no. of e- to be polarised per molecule ↑ >

    due to ↑ in quantum shells of inner e- >

    ↑ strength of id-id attractions b/w molecules, > heat energy required >

    < volatile

  • state, explain variation in highest oxidation no. for oxides(Na->S) & chlorides(Na->P)

    Cl most electronegative among P3 elements, O > electronegative than P3 elements >

    P3 elements always +ve OS as lose e- >

    max OS ↑ across period as > valence e- used for bonding in oxide >

    P forms PCl3/PCl5 as can expand octet config using low-lying vacant 3d orbitals

  • state, explain variation in bonding in oxides(Na-S)

    Na2O, MgO, Al2O3 giant ionic lattice;

    SiO2 giant covalent structure;

    P4O10, SO3 simple molecular structure >

    bonding △ from ionic to covalent across period as electronegativity difference b/w P3 elements & O ↓

  • state, explain variation in bonding in chlorides(Na-P)

    NaCl, MgCl2 giant ionic lattice;

    AlCl3 ionic w/ covalent character;

    SiCl4, PCl5 simple molecular structure >

    bonding △ from ionic to covalent across period as electronegativity difference b/w P3 elements & Cl ↓ >

    however AlCl3 is ionic w/ covalent character, high charge density of AlCl3, Al3+ distorts e- cloud such that there is orbital overlap b/w Al, Cl form covalent bonds

  • state reactions of oxides(Na-S) w/ water

    Na2O(s) + H2O(l) → 2NaOH(aq)

    MgO(s) + H2O(l) ⇌ Mg(OH)2(s)

    Mg(OH)2(s) + aq ⇌ Mg2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq)

    Al2O3(s) insoluble in water

    SiO2(s) insoluble in water

    P6O10(s) + H2O(l) → 4H3PO4(aq)

    SO3(l) + H2O(l) → H2SO4(aq)

  • describe reactions of oxides(Na-S) w/ water

    Na2O; react vigorously form strong alkaline pH 13-14

    MgO; react small extent form Mg(OH)2(s) sparingly soluble, form weak alkaline pH 9

    Al2O3; insoluble, high magnitude of lattice energy - energy evolved forming ion-dipole interactions insufficient overcome strong ionic bonds b/w oppositely charged ions

    SiO2; insoluble, large amt energy req break many strong Si-O bonds

    P6O10; react form acidic soln pH 2

    SO3; react form strongly acidic soln pH 1

  • describe acid/base behaviour of oxides(Na-S)

    Na2O(s) + 2H+ → 2Na+(aq) + H2O(l)

    MgO(s) + 2H+ → Mg2+(aq) + H2O(l)

    Al2O3 reacts w/ both acids, alkalis

    Al2O3(s) + 6H+(aq) → 2Al3+(aq) + 3H2O(l)

    Al2O3(s) + 2OH-(aq) + 3H2O(l) → 2[Al(OH)4]-(l)

    SiO2 reacts ONLY w/ hot conc alkali due to GCS

    SiO2(s) + 2OH-(aq) → SiO32-(aq) + H2O(l)

    P6O10(s) + 12OH-(aq) → 4PO43-(aq) + 6H2O(l)

    SO3(g) + 2OH-(aq) → SO42-(aq) + H2O(l)

  • explain acid/base behaviour of oxides(Na-S)

    across P3, nature △ from basic>amphoteric>acidic >

    bonding △ from ionic>covalent, electronegativity diff b/w P3 elements, O ↓ >

    metallic oxides/hydroxides ionic, ionic oxides/hydroxides basic >

    non-metallic oxides covalent, covalent oxides acidic >

    ionic w/ covalent character amphoteric

  • describe, explain acid/base behaviour of hydroxides(Na-Al)

    NaOH(s) + H+(aq) → Na+(aq) + H2O(l)

    Mg(OH)2(s) + 2H+(aq) → Mg2+(aq) + 2H2O(aq)

    Al(OH)3(s) + 3H+(aq) → Al3+(aq) + 3H2O(l)

    Al(OH)3(s) + OH-(aq) → [Al(OH)4]-(aq)

  • describe reactions of chlorides(Na-P) w/ water

    NaCl(s) + aq → Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

    MgCl2(s) + 6H2O(l) → [Mg(H2O)6]2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq)

    [Mg(H2O)6]2+(aq) ⇌ [Mg(H2O)5OH]+(aq) + H+(aq)

    AlCl3(s) + 6H2O(l) → [Al(H2O)6]3+(aq) + 3Cl-(aq)

    [Al(H2O)6]3+(aq) ⇌ [Al(H2O)5OH]2+(aq) + H+(aq)

    SiCl4(l) + 2H2O(l) → SiO2(s) + 4HCl(aq)

    hot excess water

    PCl5(s) + 4H2O(l) → H3PO4(aq) + 5HCl(aq)

    cold excess water

    PCl5(s) + H2O(l) → POCl3(l) + 2HCl(aq)

  • explain reactions of chlorides(Na-P) w/ water

    NaCl; dissolve give neutral soln(low charge density, no hydrolysis) pH 7

    MgCl2; dissolve give [Mg(H2O)6]2+, hydrolyses slightly(higher charge density) give slightly acidic soln pH 6.5

    AlCl3; dissolve give [Al(H2O)6]3+, hydrolyses(high charge density) give acidic soln pH 3

    SiCl4, PCl5; covalent chlorides hydrolyse completely give strongly acidic soln as HCl formed, pH 1-2 >

    central atom has low-lying vacant 3d orbitals form dative bond w/ water by accepting lp of e- on O to form unstable transition state, break down form HCl

  • describe, deduce from E values, the relative reactivity of elements of Group 2 as reducing agents

    down group, E value ↑ly -ve >

    > readily oxidised >

    reducing power ↑

  • describe, deduce from E values, the relative reactivity of elements of Group 17 as oxidising agents

    down group, E value ↓ly +ve >

    < readily reduced >

    oxidising power ↓

  • what affects thermal stability of group 2 carbonates?

    polarising power of M2+; larger charge density, greater ability polarise C-O bond of CO32-, bond weakened to larger extent

    polarisability of anion; polarisability measures how easily e- cloud distorted by M2+, larger size of anion, greater its polarisability

  • describe, explain trend in thermal stability of Group 2 carbonates

    down group, thermal stability ↑ >

    ionic radius of M2+ ↑, charge density of M2+ ↓ >

    ability of M2+ polarise large anion ↓, C-O bond weakened to smaller extent >

    > heat energy req overcome stronger (bonds) idk what bonds

  • describe, explain trend in thermal stability of Group 17 hydrides

    down group, thermal stability ↓ >

    atomic radius ↑ from Cl to I >

    bond length of H-X ↑ >

    strength of H-X bond ↓ >

    < heat energy req overcome weaker H-X bonds