2024-01-22T02:49:49+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Describe the test for proteins.</p>, <p>What does an amino acid consist of?</p>, <p>Describe formation of peptide bond.</p>, <p>Describe breakage of peptide bond.</p>, <p>Define the primary structure of a protein.</p>, <p>Define the secondary structure of a protein.</p>, <p>Define the tertiary structure of a protein.</p>, <p>Define the quaternary structure of a protein.</p>, <p>How are bonds in proteins formed?</p>, <p>Describe the effect of temperature on the structure of protein.</p>, <p>Describe the effect of pH on the structure of protein.</p>, <p>Describe the structure of haemoglobin.</p>, <p>Relate structure to function; haemoglobin(w.r.t polypeptide)</p>, <p>Describe structure of collagen.</p>, <p>Relate structure to function; collagen.</p>, <p>Describe structure of GPLR.</p>, <p>Relate structure to function; GPLR.</p>, <p>Relate structure to function; haemoglobin(w.r.t molecules)</p> flashcards
H2 Biology 4 - Proteins

H2 Biology 4 - Proteins

  • Describe the test for proteins.

    Biuret test

    1. Add 2cm3 sodium hydroxide solution to 2cm3 of sample in test tube.

    2. Add 1% copper(II) sulfate solution drop by drop.

    3. Shake the mixture after each drop.

    +ve result -> blue solution turns purple.

  • What does an amino acid consist of?

    Amino acid contains 4 groups bonded to a C atom -

    1. H atom

    2. Amino group(-NH2)

    3. Carboxylic acid group(-COOH)

    4. R group - confers basic(-NH2), acidic(-COOH), neutral(uncharged) properties.

  • Describe formation of peptide bond.

    A peptide bond is formed between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxylic group of another amino acid, in a condensation reaction with the loss of 1 water molecule, catalysed by enzymes(peptidyl transferase).

  • Describe breakage of peptide bond.

    A peptide bond is broken between 2 amino acids in a hydrolysis reaction with the addition of 1 water molecule, catalysed by enzymes(protease).

  • Define the primary structure of a protein.

    It is the precise number, type and sequence of amino acids linked by peptide bonds in a linear polypeptide chain.

    (contains information that determines the conformation of the protein)

  • Define the secondary structure of a protein.

    It is when the polypeptide chain coils and folds into geometrically regular repeating structures, mainly a-helices and b-pleated sheets. These structures are maintained by intramolecular hydrogen bonds between C=O and -NH groups in the main chain of polypeptide.

  • Define the tertiary structure of a protein.

    It is when the polypeptide chain is further bent, coils and folds to form a precise 3D conformation. It is maintained by intramolecular hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, disulfide bonds and hydrophobic interactions between the R groups of amino acids.

  • Define the quaternary structure of a protein.

    It is the aggregation of 2 or more polypeptide chains(subunits), subunits held together by intermolecular hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, disulfide bonds and hydrophobic interactions between R groups of amino acids on different polypeptide chains, forming a protein.

  • How are bonds in proteins formed?

    hydrogen bonds

    -intramolecular; between O atom of C=O and H atom of -NH of amino acids, between R-groups of polar & polar/basic/acidic R groups of amino acids on same ppc

    -intermolecular; between R-groups of polar & polar/basic/acidic R groups of amino acids on diff ppc

    ionic bonds

    -between R-groups of positively-charged & negatively-charged amino acids, in same ppc or b/w diff ppc.

    disulfide bonds(strongest, only broken by reducing agent)

    -between -SH groups of 2 molecules of cysteine, in same ppc or b/w diff ppc.

    hydrophobic interactions

    -between non-polar R groups of amino acids.

    (in (aq) medium, hydrophilic R groups of amino acids face outwards towards (aq) medium; hydrophobic R groups of amino acids face inwards, shielded from (aq) medium -> protein is soluble)

  • Describe the effect of temperature on the structure of protein.

    When temperature increases, kinetic energy of the protein increases.

    High heat disrupts the weak hydrogen bonds & hydrophobic interactions that maintain the secondary, tertiary structures of the protein.

    This results in the loss of specific 3D conformation of protein, leading to denaturation.

  • Describe the effect of pH on the structure of protein.

    When pH increases, more H+ ions present -> combine with COO- R groups to form COOH

    When pH decreases, less H+ ions present -> NH3+ R groups donate H+ to form NH2

    Ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds that maintain tertiary structure are disrupted, results in the loss of specific 3D conformation of protein, leading to denaturation.

  • Describe the structure of haemoglobin.

    1o, 2o, 3o, 4o

    1o: 4 polypeptide chains; 2 a chains, 2, b chains

    2o: each polypeptide chain coils into a-helices, maintained by intramolecular H bonds b/w C=O and -NH groups of different amino acids

    3o: each polypeptide chain further bent, folded into globular protein subunit maintained by intramolecular H, ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions b/w R groups of amino acids

    4o: 4 protein subunits pack closely together, maintained by intermolecular H, ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactions; results in nearly spherical Hb molecule.

  • Relate structure to function; haemoglobin(w.r.t polypeptide)

    4 protein subunits pack closely together -> Hb is compact, allows for packing of more Hb into rbc -> more O2 can be carried & transported

    Hb in contact w/ (aq) medium, hydrophilic R groups of a.a faces outwards, interacting w/ (aq) medium -> Hb is soluble in (aq) medium -> allows mobility around body thru bloodstream as Hb can bind & transport O2 dissolved in blood

    Hydrophobic R groups face inwards, shielded from (aq) medium -> hydrophobic interactions b/w hydrophobic R groups hold molecule in precise 3D conformation

  • Describe structure of collagen.

    1o, 2o, 4o

    1o: 3 pp chains, 1000 aa residues. aa sequence is repetitive(Glycine-X-Y, X proline, Y hydroxyproline/hydroxylysine)

    2o: each pp coils into a loose helix


    - 3 helical pp chains wind tightly, bound by H bonds between C=O and -NH of aa on diff. pp, forms tropocollagen. every 3rd aa is glycine - small size allows 3 pp to lie closely & coil tightly.

    - ends of parallel tropocollagen are staggered, covalent cross-links form between C=O end of 1 tropocollagen and the -NH end of another tropocollagen; forms collagen fibril, assemble to form collagen fibres

  • Relate structure to function; collagen.

    amino acid sequence is repetitive(Glycine-X-Y) -> small size of glycine allows 3 helical polypeptide chains to lie close together & coil tightly

    ends of parallel tropocollagen molecules are staggered, covalent cross-linking forms between C=O end of 1 tropocollagen & -NH end of another -> cross-links are out of step with each other, confers greater tensile strength

    tropocollagen form covalent-cross links w/ other tropocollagen, forms collagen fibril which further assembles to form collagen fibres -> confers a flexible, inelastic structure for support -> high tensile strength, can withstand large pulling forces.

  • Describe structure of GPLR.

    1o, 2o, 3o

    1o: single polypeptide chain

    2o: single polypeptide chain coiled into 7 transmembrane a-helices

    3o: polypeptide chain further bent, folded and coiled into tertiary structure, maintained by intramolecular H, ionic, disulfide bonds & hydrophobic interactions between R groups of amino acids on same polypeptide.

  • Relate structure to function; GPLR.

    single polypeptide chain coiled into 7 transmembrane a-helices -> allows GPLR to be embedded in & span cell surface membrane (hydrophobic R groups form weak hydrophobic interactions w/ hydrophobic fatty acid tails)

    has extracellular region -> serves as specific binding site for ligand which can't pass thru CSM

    has intracellular region -> serves as specific binding site for G-protein

  • Relate structure to function; haemoglobin(w.r.t molecules)

    Each subunit contains prosthetic haem group w/ Fe2+, reversibly binds to O2, allows O2 to be readily released to respiring tissues -> 4 subunits, 4 haem groups; Hb can carry, transport 4 O2 molecules @ once, enables more efficient transport of O2 around body

    allosteric in nature, can undergo conformational changes -> binding of O2 to 1 haem group results in binding of O2 to other haem groups -> easier binding & release of O2