2024-01-24T14:57:50+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>distinguish between lac(inducible) &amp; trp(repressible) operons</p>, <p>define regulatory gene</p>, <p>suggest advantages of bacteria arranging genes in operons</p>, <p>define operon </p>, <p>define structural gene</p>, <p>describe main structural features of lac operon</p>, <p>describe main structural features of trp operon</p>, <p>how lactose, glucose regulate lac operon expression</p>, <p>how tryptophan regulate trp operon expression</p> flashcards
H2 Biology 17 - Regulation of GE in prokaryotes

H2 Biology 17 - Regulation of GE in prokaryotes

  • distinguish between lac(inducible) & trp(repressible) operons

    effector molecule

    lac - allolactose, inducer; trp - tryptophan, co-repressor

    default state of repressor

    lac - active; trp - inactive

    default state of operon expression

    lac - switched off; trp - switched on


    lac - protein pdt involved in lac breakdown; trp - protein pdt involved in trp a.a. synthesis


    lac - cluster of 3 structural genes coding for enzymes, proteins involved in lac breakdown; trp - cluster of 5 structural genes coding for enzymes in trp biosynthesis pathway

    when repressor bind to operator

    lac - active form, r&b operator; trp - co-repressor(trp) r&b allosteric site of repressor, repressor r&b operator

  • define regulatory gene

    region of DNA, codes for specific protein pdt that regulates expression of structural genes >

    constitutively expressed, i.e always transcribed

  • suggest advantages of bacteria arranging genes in operons

    allow simultaneous regulation of related genes w/ related fn/ involved in same metabolic activity >

    genes coding for related proteins/enzymes in single biochemical pathway/related fn/same metabolic activity grouped into operon, easier control >

    bacteria able to utilise variety of carbohydrates as respiratory substrate >

    operons allow bacteria to adapt, respond to env changes >

    operon genes only expressed when required, prevents wastage of energy, resources >

    bacteria @ selective advantage

  • define operon

    segment of DNA containing cluster of structural genes, make up single transcription unit, controlled by same promoter, operator >

    structural genes code for enzymes/functionally related proteins involved in single metabolic pathway

  • define structural gene

    region of DNA, codes for protein/RNA molecule that forms part of structure/has enzymatic fn

  • describe main structural features of lac operon

    segment of DNA, contains cluster of 3 SG; lacZ, lacY, lacA; makes up single t/c unit controlled by same promoter, operator >

    regulatory gene lacl lie upstream operon, codes for lac repressor >

    lac operon consists of promoter; RNA pol binding site, operator; lac repressor binding site, CAP binding site; catabolite activator protein binding site beside promoter >

    promoter, operator, CAP binding site lie upstream 3 SG >

    3 SG codes for enzymes for lac metabolism >

    lacZ; B-galactosidase(hydrolyse lactose->glucose+galactose)

    lacY; lac permease(membrane protein for transport of lactose into cell)

    lac A; lactose transacetylase >

    terminator; termination seq, marks end of operon

  • describe main structural features of trp operon

    segment of DNA, contains cluster of 5SG; trpE, trpD, trpC, trpB, trpA; make up single t/c unit controlled by same promoter, operator >

    regulatory gene trpR lie upstream operon, codes for trp repressor >

    trp operon consists of promoter; RNA pol binding site, operator; trp repressor binding site >

    promoter, operator lie upstream 5SG >

    5 SG codes for enzymes for trp synthesis >

    terminator; termination seq, marks end of operon

  • how lactose, glucose regulate lac operon expression

    lac absent

    lac repressor synthesised in active conf; r&b operator >

    operon switched off >

    RNA pol unable r&b promoter, unable t/c lac operon genes; mRNA not synthesised > BG, LP, LT not produced

    lac present

    BG convert lac -> allolac >

    allolac r&b allosteric site of lac rep, change 3D conf, becomes inactive, unable r&b operator >

    operon switched on >

    RNA pol able r&b promoter, able t/c lac operon genes; mRNA synthesised >

    BG, LP, LT produced

    low [glucose], lac present

    [cAMP] inversely proportional [glucose] >

    CAP activator synthesised inactive >

    high [cAMP] r&b allosteric site of CAP, CAP changes 3D conf, becomes active, able r&b CAP binding site >

    bends DNA, recruits RNA pol to promoter >

    RNA pol binds promoter @ high affinity >

    high lac operon t/c -> lactose used as temp substrate

  • how tryptophan regulate trp operon expression

    trp absent

    trp repressor synthesised in inactive conf >

    operon switched on >

    RNA pol able r&b promoter, able t/c trp operon genes; mRNA synthesised, translated into 5 polypeptides >

    enzymes that synthesise trp produced, trp synthesised

    trp present

    trp r&b allosteric site of trp rep, changes 3D conf, becomes active, able r&b operator >

    operon switched off >

    RNA pol unable r&b promoter, unable t/c trp operon genes; mRNA not synthesised >

    enzymes that synthesise trp not produced, trp not synthesised