why must gene expression be regulated?
ensures appropriate genes expressed @ appropriate times to synthesise right type & amount of protein/RNA products for proper functioning of cell
what is chromatin level regulation of gene expression?
chromatin level mechanisms control transcription by modifying DNA between euchromatin(loosely packed chromatin) and heterochromatin(highly condensed chromatin);
euchromatin; DNA associates < tightly w/ histones, promotes access of RNA pol, TF to promoters; genes expressed
heterochromatin; DNA associates > tightly w/ histones, limits access of RNA pol, TF to promoters; genes not expressed
describe histone modification
chromatin level;
(histone tails +vely charged, interact strongly w/ -vely charged phosphate group of s-p backbone of DNA)
histone acetylation > t/c
histone acetyltransferase(HATs) adds acetyl groups to lysine residues on histone tails >
removes +ve charge on histones, < histone affinity for DNA >
DNA coils < tightly around nucleosomes, chromatin decondenses -> euchromatin >
gene promoter > accessible to GTF & RNA pol
histone deacetylation < t/c
histone deacetylase(HDACs) removes acetyl groups to lysine residues on histone tails >
restore +ve charge on histones, > DNA affinity for nucleosome >
DNA coils > tightly around nucleosomes, chromatin condenses -> heterochromatin >
gene promoter < accessible to GTF & RNA pol
describe DNA methylation
chromatin level;
DNA methylation < t/c
DNA methyltransferase adds -CH3 to C residues @ CpG islands; physically blocks GTF, RNA pol binding to promoter >
methylated DNA recruits DNA-binding proteins(repressors, histone deacetylase), forms > compact, inactive heterochromatin >
promoter inaccessible to GTF, RNA pol; formation of TIC prevented
DNA demethylation > t/c
DNA demethylase removes -CH3 from C residues @ CpG islands, forms < tightly coiled euchromatin >
allows GTF, RNA pol r&b to promoter, formation of TIC allowed
how enhancer regulates transcription?
transcriptional level;
activators r&b to enhancer sequences >
DNA bends >
brings enhancer in contact w/ GTF, RNA pol via protein-protein interactions; facilitate binding of GTF, RNA pol to promoter >
recruits, positions, modifies t/c machinery(GTF+RNA pol) @ promoter, forms stable TIC, > rate of initiation of t/c >
assist in HATs recruitment, increase promoter accessibility to t/c machinery >
activator to enhancer binding accelerates TIC assembly @ promoter, > rate of t/c
how silencer regulates transcription?
transcriptional level;
repressors r&b to silencer sequences >
DNA looping pattern changed, activators bound to enhancers prevented from binding to GTF, RNA pol @ promoter >
TIC assembly @ promoter inhibited >
HDACs recruited, makes promoter inaccessible to GTF, RNA pol >
repressor to silencer binding inhibit t/c OR < rate of t/c
how GTFs regulates transcription?
transcriptional level;
GTF r&b to promoter sequences(TATA box) >
recruits RNA pol to r&b to core promoter >
forms TIC, initiates t/c @ t/c start site >
help stabilise TIC(RNA pol bind > securely), progression of RNA pol to elongation stage; allows basal level t/c
describe splicing of pre-mRNA
post-transcriptional level;
small nuclear RNAs(snRNAs)+proteins=small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles(snRNPs); several snRNPs join w/ additional proteins, forms larger assembly called spliceosome >
snRNPs recognise splice sites @ each end of intron >
spliceosome interacts w/ splice sites @ ends of intron, cuts @ specific pts to release intron, joins 2 exons tgt >
pre-mRNA introns excised, exons flanking introns spliced tgt, forms continuous coding seq, ensures synthesis of correct polypeptide
describe 3' polyadenylation of pre-mRNA
post-transcriptional level;
pre-mRNA contains polyadenylation signal seq @ 3' end >
ribonuclease recognises seq, cleaves mRNA @ 3' end; poly-A polymerase adds A nucleotides to 3' end of mRNA, forming poly-A tail >
poly-A tail acts as signal to export mature mRNA out of nucleus,
poly-A tail recognised by poly(A)-binding protein; binding enhances mature mRNA stability, prevents mature mRNA degradation by ribonucleases
describe 5' capping of pre-mRNA
post-transcriptional level;
7-methylguanosine cap added to 5' end of pre-mRNA molecule >
5' cap protect mRNA from degradation by ribonucleases,
acts as signal; facilitate transport of mature mRNA out of nucleus,
promote initiation of t/l; TIC bind to 5' cap, recruits SRS to bind to 5' cap
explain importance of alternative splicing of pre-mRNA
post-transcriptional level;
involves specific regulatory proteins controlling intron-exon choices by binding to regulatory seq in pre-mRNA >
enables 1 gene to code for > than 1 polypeptide, depending which exons spliced tgt to form continuous coding seq
how half life of mature mRNA regulates gene expression?
translational level;
stability of mRNA determined by length of poly-A tail; longer tail, > stable mRNA, longer mRNA can be used as template for t/l >
mRNA degradation - ribonucleases remove poly-A tail from 3'->5' until critical length reached; triggers 5' cap removal; triggers mRNA degradation from 5' end >
controlling lifespan, stability of mature mRNA determines duration t/l occurs >
enables control of no. of protein molecules t/l from mature mRNA
how initation of translation regulates gene expression?
translational level;
t/l initiation factors(TIF) bind to SRS; facilitate SRS binding to 5' cap of mature mRNA, initiation of t/l occurs >
TIFs involved in locating 5' cap of mature mRNA, start codon AUG & binding site for initiator tRNA to AUG >
phosphorylation of TIF activate t/l, dephosphorylation of TIF repress t/l
t/l repressors bind to mature mRNA @ specific seq(5' untranslated region) >
block binding of ribosomes, prevents t/l
describe biochemical modification
post-translational level;
glycosylation; targets protein for association w/ membrane >
phosphorylation; activates protein/yields functional protein(dephosphorylation is opposite) >
removal of a.a. from precursor protein to yield mature protein
describe protein degradation
post-translational level;
proteins marked for degradation; ubiquitin ligase adds ubiquitin to protein to mark for degradation >
ubiquitin-tagged proteins recognised by proteasome, cleaves protein into smaller peptides, further degraded by enzymes in the cytoplasm >
for degradation of proteins not required