why are prokaryotes described as prokaryotic?
1. no true nucleus/nuclear membrane
2. no membrane-bound organelles, no endoplasmic reticulum
3. no histone proteins in nucleus
4. 70s ribosomes present
5. circular DNA present
describe the organisation of prokaryotic DNA
bacterial DNA complexes w/ nucleoid associated proteins(H-NS proteins) >
H-NS proteins bind to bacterial DNA & folds DNA into more compact structure >
within folded chromosome, DNA molecule organized into many looped domains >
looped domains compacts circular chromosome about 10x >
bacterial chromosome further compacted through DNA supercoiling
state features of bacterial cell
capsule/slime layer >
peptidoglycan cell wall >
plasma membrane >
flagellum(flagella;pl.), fimbriae(pl.) >
plasmid >
70s ribosomes