2024-07-09T08:05:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true allusive, astute, commence, convalescent, curb, decry, duress, evoke, fawn, fret, glib, headstrong, intermittent, ire, languid, lull, mettlesome, mollify, neutralize, nonplussed, precipitous, pretentious, profound, propagate, recourse, refute, regress, repercussion, replenish, vigilant flashcards
Greg 23

Greg 23

  • allusive
    making indirect references or hints
  • astute
    having the ability to notice and understand things clearly
  • commence
    begin or start
  • convalescent
    recovering from illness or treatment
  • curb
    restrict or control
  • decry
    publicly criticize or condemn
  • duress
    compulsion by threat or force
  • evoke
    bring to mind or produce a reaction
  • fawn
    display exaggerated affection or flattery, usually to gain favor
  • fret
    be constantly or visibly worried or anxious
  • glib
    fluent but insincere and shallow
  • headstrong
    determined to have one's own way; stubborn
  • intermittent
    occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous
  • ire
    anger or wrath
  • languid
    1. casual and relaxed; slow; 2. weak from disease or weariness
  • lull
    1. a temporary period of calm; 2. a brief pause or delay in activity
  • mettlesome
    spirited and brave
  • mollify
    calm or reduce the anger or anxiety of someone
  • neutralize
    counteract or cancel the effect of something
  • nonplussed
    unsure about what to say or do; confused
  • precipitous
    1. extremely steep; 2. done quickly and without care
  • pretentious
    attempting to impress by affecting greater importance than is actually possessed
  • profound
    having deep insight or knowledge
  • propagate
    spread or promote widely
  • recourse
    a source of help or strategies used in a difficult situation
  • refute
    prove to be wrong or false
  • regress
    return to a former or less developed state
  • repercussion
    an unintended consequence of an event or action
  • replenish
    fill something up again
  • vigilant
    keeping careful watch for dangers or difficulties