2024-07-09T07:54:28+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true abject, amicable, animosity, aver, barrage, cathartic, decipher, delusion, dispense, eloquent, enthrall, eradicate, fledgling, fortitude, fortuitous, goad, imminent, incontrovertible, itinerant, magnanimous, meritorious, mutiny, paradoxical, perseverance, render, repertoire, resilient, resolute, supple, valor flashcards
Greg 21

Greg 21

  • abject
    most unfortunate or miserable
  • amicable
    characterized by goodwill and friendliness
  • animosity
    strong hostility or resentment
  • aver
    assert with confidence
  • barrage
    an overwhelming concentration of something, typically hostile words
  • cathartic
    that which releases emotional tension
  • decipher
    decode or determine the meaning of something that is difficult to understand
  • delusion
    a belief that is not true or is founded on false premises
  • dispense
    1. issue, distribute, or give out
  • eloquent
    fluently persuasive and articulate
  • enthrall
    captivate or charm
  • eradicate
    eliminate or destroy completely
  • fledgling
    untried or inexperienced; emergent or rising
  • fortitude
    mental strength and courage that allows one to face challenges
  • fortuitous
    happening by chance, especially a lucky chance
  • goad
    incite or provoke
  • imminent
    about to happen soon
  • incontrovertible
    undeniable; impossible to dispute
  • itinerant
    habitually traveling from place to place
  • magnanimous
    noble and generous in spirit
  • meritorious
    deserving of merit or commendation; deserving reward
  • mutiny
    a rebellion against authority; violent strife
  • paradoxical
    seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true
  • perseverance
    persistence in an action or belief despite difficulties or opposition
  • render
    make or provide
  • repertoire
    the collection of skills, methods, or performances that one is ready to use
  • resilient
    able to recover quickly from difficult situations
  • resolute
    firmly determined or unwavering
  • supple
    pliant, flexible, or easy to bend
  • valor
    strength of mind in the face of danger; bravery