2024-07-04T22:29:45+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true acclaim, ascertain, assertive, bogus, cataclysmic, circumscribe, complementary, contentious, disingenuous, divulge, dogmatic, fallacious, foolhardy, hinder, impair, impugn, incessant, inclined, inveterate deep, miserly, patent, petulant, pithy, pliant, sanctimonious, sound, tarnish, tepid, upbraid, vexation flashcards
Greg 17

Greg 17

  • acclaim
    1. praise with great approval 2. enthusiastic approval
  • ascertain
    find out or learn with certainty
  • assertive
    confident and direct in claiming one's rights or expressing ideas
  • bogus
    fake or fraudulent
  • cataclysmic
    causing great disruption or upheaval
  • circumscribe
    limit or restrict something narrowly
  • complementary
    enhancing or perfecting when combined with something else
  • contentious
    causing or likely to provoke disagreement
  • disingenuous
    pretending to be sincere or straightforward
  • divulge
    disclose or reveal information
  • dogmatic
    insisting on one's ideas without being open to others'
  • fallacious
    false or mistaken
  • foolhardy
    recklessly daring; careless
  • hinder
    obstruct or delay progress
  • impair
    weaken or affect negatively
  • impugn
    challenge the truth or honesty of something
  • incessant
    constant or unending (of something bad or unpleasant)
  • inclined
    feeling a tendency or preference towards
  • inveterate deep
    rooted or long-established
  • miserly
    reluctant to spend or share; greedy
  • patent
    clear or obvious
  • petulant
    irritable or impatient, especially over minor issues
  • pithy
    expressing ideas in a concise, meaningful manner
  • pliant
    flexible or easily influenced
  • sanctimonious
    giving the impression that one is morally superior
  • sound
    based on reason, sense, or judgment
  • tarnish
    compromise, damage, or sully
  • tepid
    exhibiting little passion or eagerness; lukewarm
  • upbraid
    criticize or scold severely
  • vexation
    the state of being irritated or incensed