2019-10-30T15:26:31+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Abydos passion play, Dionysus, Festival of Dionysus, Trilogy, Satyr play, Thespis of Attica, Orchestra, Parados, Proskenion, Skene, Theatreical Convention, Conventions of Greek theatre, Pariaktoi, Eccyclema, Deus ex machina, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Menander flashcards
Greek Theatre

Greek Theatre

  • Abydos passion play
    Ancient egypt; tells the story of a battle between the gods Set and Osirius.
  • Dionysus
    god of wine and fertility
  • Festival of Dionysus
    Greek festival which celebrated the god of wine and fertility; included a playwriting competition where each playwright wrote 3 tragedies and 1 satyr play and the winner was awarded with the coveted "Laurel Wreath."
  • Trilogy
    3 plays of the same theme
  • Satyr play
    a comic play which pokes fun of something traditionally thought of as serious.
  • Thespis of Attica
    Thought to have invented acting by designating one member of the chorus to stand out from the others and respond to them
  • Orchestra
    Main playing space of a Greek theatre where the chorus stays for the majority of the play
  • Parados
    Area of a Greek theatre located on either side of the orchestra, where entrances and exits are made
  • Proskenion
    Raised platform in a Greek theatre behind the orchestra
  • Skene
    located behind the proskenion, used for costume changes
  • Theatreical Convention
    special practices or ways of doing things unique to particular historical periods
  • Conventions of Greek theatre
    Chorus, Masks, 3 actors play all main roles
  • Pariaktoi
    Three sided prisms that could be painted and spun to represent various locales and background
  • Eccyclema
    wagon used to wheel "dead bodies" on stage
  • Deus ex machina
    crane like machine used to lower actors on stage who were playing the part of a god
  • Aeschylus
    Greek tragic playwright; Wrote Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Furies
  • Sophocles
    Greek tragic playwright; wrote Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone
  • Euripides
    Greek tragic playwright; wrote Medea, The Trojan Women, Alcestis, and Hippolytus
  • Aristophanes
    Only known author of Greek Old Comedy; wrote The Clouds, The Frogs, and Lysistrata
  • Menander
    The only surviving "New Comedy" playwright; Wrote comedies dealing with daily life and domestic situations; His plays featured characters such as clever servants, protective fathers, and young lovers -types that remain in theatre even today; only known play we have is "The Curmudgeon."