The shrinking of space and the reduction of the time required by a wide range of processes, brought about by changes in transportation and communication technologies advanced mainly by capitalist corporations.
Time–Space Distanciation
The stretching of social relations across space and time, brought about by technological change.
The bypassing by developing nations of earlier technologies and adoption of more advanced ones.
Mass media
media intended to reach large audience.
Media Imperialism
refers to the domination of western media and the technologies associated with those media in less developed nations and their culture.
The shrinking of space and the reduction of the time required by a wide range of processes, brought about by changes in transportation and communication technologies advanced mainly by capitalist corporations.
Time–Space Distanciation
The stretching of social relations across space and time, brought about by technological change.
The bypassing by developing nations of earlier technologies and adoption of more advanced ones.
Mass media
media intended to reach large audience.
Media Imperialism
refers to the domination of western media and the technologies associated with those media in less developed nations and their culture.
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