2017-07-28T19:54:59+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Geometrical optics, Ray tracing (graphics), Snell's law, Total internal reflection, Shadow, Transmission coefficient, Curved mirror, Depth of field, Reflection coefficient, Spherical aberration, Ray (optics), Cardinal point (optics), Aperture, Stigmatism, Ray tracing (physics), Specular reflection flashcards
Geometrical optics

Geometrical optics

  • Geometrical optics
    Geometrical optics, or ray optics, describes light propagation in terms of rays.
  • Ray tracing (graphics)
    In computer graphics, ray tracing is a technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light through pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects.
  • Snell's law
    Snell's law (also known as the Snell–Descartes law and the law of refraction) is a formula used to describe the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction, when referring to light or other waves passing through a boundary between two different isotropic media, such as water, glass, or air.
  • Total internal reflection
    Total internal reflection is the phenomenon which occurs when a propagated wave strikes a medium boundary at an angle larger than a particular with respect to the normal to the surface.
  • Shadow
    A shadow is a dark area where light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object.
  • Transmission coefficient
    The transmission coefficient is used in physics and electrical engineering when wave propagation in a medium containing discontinuities is considered.
  • Curved mirror
    A curved mirror is a mirror with a curved reflecting surface.
  • Depth of field
    In optics, particularly as it relates to film and photography, depth of field (DOF), also called focus range or effective focus range, is the distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.
  • Reflection coefficient
    In physics and electrical engineering the reflection coefficient is a parameter that describes how much of an electromagnetic wave is reflected by an impedance discontinuity in the transmission medium.
  • Spherical aberration
    Spherical aberration is an optical effect observed in an optical device (lens, mirror, etc.) that occurs due to the increased refraction of light rays when they strike a lens or a reflection of light rays when they strike a mirror near its edge, in comparison with those that strike nearer the centre.
  • Ray (optics)
    In optics a ray is an idealized model of light, obtained by choosing a line that is perpendicular to the wavefronts of the actual light, and that points in the direction of energy flow.
  • Cardinal point (optics)
    In Gaussian optics, the cardinal points consist of three pairs of points located on the optical axis of a rotationally symmetric, focal, optical system.
  • Aperture
    In optics, an aperture is a hole or an opening through which light travels.
  • Stigmatism
    In geometric optics, stigmatism refers to the image-formation property of an optical system which focuses a single point source in object space into a single point in image space.
  • Ray tracing (physics)
    In physics, ray tracing is a method for calculating the path of waves or particles through a system with regions of varying propagation velocity, absorption characteristics, and reflecting surfaces.
  • Specular reflection
    Specular reflection is the mirror-like reflection of light (or of other kinds of wave) from a surface, in which light from a single incoming direction (a ray) is reflected into a single outgoing direction.