2017-07-28T15:29:19+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Rhabdomyolysis, Bladder exstrophy, Nocturnal enuresis, Vesicoureteral reflux, Hemoglobinuria, Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Epididymitis, Haff disease, Granuloma inguinale, Myoglobinuria, Detrusor urinae muscle, Overactive bladder, Urethritis, Epispadias, Ureterocele, Frasier syndrome flashcards
Genitourinary system diseases

Genitourinary system diseases

  • Rhabdomyolysis
    Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which damaged skeletal muscle breaks down rapidly.
  • Bladder exstrophy
    Bladder exstrophy (also known as Ectopia vesicae) is a congenital anomaly that exists along the spectrum of the exstrophy-epispadias complex and most notably involves protrusion of the urinary bladder through a defect in the abdominal wall.
  • Nocturnal enuresis
    Nocturnal enuresis, also called bedwetting, is involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which bladder control usually occurs.
  • Vesicoureteral reflux
    Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is a condition in which urine flows retrograde, or backward, from the bladder into the ureters/kidneys.
  • Hemoglobinuria
    In medicine, hemoglobinuria or haemoglobinuria is a condition in which the oxygen transport protein hemoglobin is found in abnormally high concentrations in the urine.
  • Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
    Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, sometimes simply referred to as neurogenic bladder, is a dysfunction of the urinary bladder due to disease of the central nervous system or peripheral nerves involved in the control of micturition (urination).
  • Epididymitis
    Epididymitis is a medical condition characterized by discomfort or pain of the epididymis, a curved structure at the back of the testicle in which sperm matures and is stored.
  • Haff disease
    Haff disease (German: Haffkrankheit) is the development of rhabdomyolysis (swelling and breakdown of skeletal muscle, with a risk of acute kidney failure) within 24 hours of ingesting fish.
  • Granuloma inguinale
    Granuloma inguinale (also known as donovanosis) is a bacterial disease caused by Klebsiella granulomatis (formerly known as Calymmatobacterium granulomatis) characterized by ulcerative genital lesions.
  • Myoglobinuria
    Myoglobinuria is the presence of myoglobin in the urine, usually associated with rhabdomyolysis or muscle destruction.
  • Detrusor urinae muscle
    The detrusor urinae muscle, also detrusor muscle, muscularis propria of the urinary bladder and (less precise) muscularis propria, is smooth muscle found in the wall of the bladder.
  • Overactive bladder
    Overactive bladder (OAB), also known as overactive bladder syndrome, is a condition where there is a frequent feeling of needing to urinate to a degree that it negatively affects a person's life.
  • Urethritis
    Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra.
  • Epispadias
    An epispadias is a rare type of malformation of the penis in which the urethra ends in an opening on the upper aspect (the dorsum) of the penis.
  • Ureterocele
    A ureterocele is a congenital abnormality found in the ureter.
  • Frasier syndrome
    Frasier syndrome is a urogenital anomaly associated with the WT1 (Wilms tumor 1 gene) gene.