during the formation of gametes the paired factors segregate and each gamete receives one of the factors
Law of independent assortment
factors which control different characteristics such as height and color segregate randomly and independently of each other during gamete formation
gene which overrides other gene
gene which gets overridden
when a plant pollinates itself the succeeding generation look like the parent plant
Monohybrid cross
cross between two organisms with different variations of one genetic locus
new types of plants formed by cross fertilizing different varieties of the same species
Self Pollinating
pollen from a plant lands on the stigma of the same plant fertilizing itself
genes occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes
homologous chromosomes have different alleles for the same gene
if two alleles are different
Heterozygous dominant
carrier of recessive gene
Homozygous dominant
contains an identical dominant allele
Homozygous recessive
contains an identical recessive allele
Homologous pair
contain the same sequence of genes for the same traits but versions of genes may vairy (alleles)
refers to the genetic makeup
refers to the observable features
Autosomal inheritance
traits not located on the sex chromosomes
Crossing plants
Spreading pollen from stamens with selected trait to stigma with opposite trait
Gene pool
the set of all genes in a population
Filial generation
a generation in a breeding experiment that is successive to a mating between parents of two distinctively different but usually relatively pure genotypes.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
when the gene on the x chromosome fails to make dystrophin (lack muscle strength & swayback)
Color blindness
absence of pigment in the retinal cones (male -> daughter | (mother -> to son | daughter))
condition in which blood takes longer to clot
a change in DNA structure forming a new allele of a gene (Chromosomal | point)
Somatic mutation
occur in the somatic cells may damage kill or convert to tumor
Germline mutation
occur in the eggs or sperm passed onto offspring
Autosomal disorders
disorders in the non-sex chromosomes (1 - 22)
Sickle cell anemia
Adenine is replaced by thymine forming a mutated hemoglobin (hemoglobin S) abnormal shaped red blood cell cannot transport oxygen correctly (they have resistance to malaria)
Cystic fibrosis
unable to produce a protein in their lungs causing salt and water to collect forming mucous (leads to infection)
inherited disease causing lower rate of melanin production
Pedigrees diagram
family tree
Genetic counseling
determine the likelihood that offspring will have genetic diseases
Genetic screening
testing of blood cells or other cells using genetic fingerprinting to check for defective allele
Polygenic traits
traits controlled by two or more genes at different loci on different chromosomes
Recombinant DNA
DNA taken from two organisms
acts as glue on DNA
Restriction enzyme
splits a DNA molecule
DNA combining two different species
Genetic engineering
the manipulation of genes
the use of plants animals and microbes to produce useful products
Gene therapy
a medical approach which treats or prevents disease by correcting the under lying genetic problem
Insulin production
bacteria ground and plasmids extracted; restriction enzymes break open plasmids; DNA ligase used to attach human gene for insulin; recombinant DNA added back to E.coli cells
protein molecules one the outside of cells which act as marker
a gene editing tool
Hybrid vigor
the increased function of a biological quality in a hybrid offspring
during the formation of gametes the paired factors segregate and each gamete receives one of the factors
Law of independent assortment
factors which control different characteristics such as height and color segregate randomly and independently of each other during gamete formation
gene which overrides other gene
gene which gets overridden
when a plant pollinates itself the succeeding generation look like the parent plant
Monohybrid cross
cross between two organisms with different variations of one genetic locus
new types of plants formed by cross fertilizing different varieties of the same species
Self Pollinating
pollen from a plant lands on the stigma of the same plant fertilizing itself
genes occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes
homologous chromosomes have different alleles for the same gene
if two alleles are different
Heterozygous dominant
carrier of recessive gene
Homozygous dominant
contains an identical dominant allele
Homozygous recessive
contains an identical recessive allele
Homologous pair
contain the same sequence of genes for the same traits but versions of genes may vairy (alleles)
refers to the genetic makeup
refers to the observable features
Autosomal inheritance
traits not located on the sex chromosomes
Crossing plants
Spreading pollen from stamens with selected trait to stigma with opposite trait
Gene pool
the set of all genes in a population
Filial generation
a generation in a breeding experiment that is successive to a mating between parents of two distinctively different but usually relatively pure genotypes.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
when the gene on the x chromosome fails to make dystrophin (lack muscle strength & swayback)
Color blindness
absence of pigment in the retinal cones (male -> daughter | (mother -> to son | daughter))
condition in which blood takes longer to clot
a change in DNA structure forming a new allele of a gene (Chromosomal | point)
Somatic mutation
occur in the somatic cells may damage kill or convert to tumor
Germline mutation
occur in the eggs or sperm passed onto offspring
Autosomal disorders
disorders in the non-sex chromosomes (1 - 22)
Sickle cell anemia
Adenine is replaced by thymine forming a mutated hemoglobin (hemoglobin S) abnormal shaped red blood cell cannot transport oxygen correctly (they have resistance to malaria)
Cystic fibrosis
unable to produce a protein in their lungs causing salt and water to collect forming mucous (leads to infection)
inherited disease causing lower rate of melanin production
Pedigrees diagram
family tree
Genetic counseling
determine the likelihood that offspring will have genetic diseases
Genetic screening
testing of blood cells or other cells using genetic fingerprinting to check for defective allele
Polygenic traits
traits controlled by two or more genes at different loci on different chromosomes
Recombinant DNA
DNA taken from two organisms
acts as glue on DNA
Restriction enzyme
splits a DNA molecule
DNA combining two different species
Genetic engineering
the manipulation of genes
the use of plants animals and microbes to produce useful products
Gene therapy
a medical approach which treats or prevents disease by correcting the under lying genetic problem
Insulin production
bacteria ground and plasmids extracted; restriction enzymes break open plasmids; DNA ligase used to attach human gene for insulin; recombinant DNA added back to E.coli cells
protein molecules one the outside of cells which act as marker
a gene editing tool
Hybrid vigor
the increased function of a biological quality in a hybrid offspring
every cell in a plant can grow into a new plant
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