2022-04-21T11:47:01+03:00[Europe/Moscow] af true <p>Amplitude of string - 1.8 m</p><p>Acrobat lets go at lowest point calculate their speed when they let go of the bar time period 3.8</p>, <p>Explain how and why this happens</p>, <p>Calculate th lowest frequency whe the sand grains loose contact </p> flashcards
Further mechanics questions

Further mechanics questions

  • Tension is maximum at the midpoint and minimum at the extreme

    Tension supplies centripetal mv^2/r and balances radial component of weight mgcostheta both are max and midpoint and min at extremes

  • Amplitude of string - 1.8 mAcrobat lets go at lowest point calculate their speed when they let go of the bar time period 3.8

    Amplitude of string - 1.8 m

    Acrobat lets go at lowest point calculate their speed when they let go of the bar time period 3.8

    V max = wA = ( 2pi/3.2 ) x 1.8

  • Explain how and why this happens

    Explain how and why this happens

    At the top of the oscillation, if theplate accelerates vertically down at greater than 9.81 ms^-2 then the sand accelerates down by gravity and cannot keep up

  • Calculate th lowest frequency whe the sand grains loose contact

    Calculate th lowest frequency whe the sand grains loose contact

    amax = w^2 A

    amax = 9.81 A = 3.5x10^-4
