2022-07-13T03:46:46+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true <p>Fruit produced by rose</p>, <p>Fruit consisting of multiple achenes (example strawberry)</p>, <p>Fruit that is an aggregate of follicles</p>, <p>A fruit that is a receptacle turned inside out such as a fig</p>, <p>Father of botany</p>, <p>writer of systema natrue</p>, <p>Type of taxonomy where study individuals were rated for similarities</p>, <p>Type of taxonomy where data is used to infer evolutionary relationship between study individuals</p>, <p>An ancestor and all of its descendants</p>, <p>An ancestor without all of its descendants</p>, <p>A plant group missing common ancestors</p> flashcards
Fruits 3

Fruits 3

  • Fruit produced by rose


  • Fruit consisting of multiple achenes (example strawberry)


  • Fruit that is an aggregate of follicles


  • A fruit that is a receptacle turned inside out such as a fig


  • Father of botany


  • writer of systema natrue

    Carolus Linnaeus

  • Type of taxonomy where study individuals were rated for similarities


  • Type of taxonomy where data is used to infer evolutionary relationship between study individuals


  • An ancestor and all of its descendants

    Monophyletic group

  • An ancestor without all of its descendants

    Paraphyletic group

  • A plant group missing common ancestors

    Polyphyletic group