2017-07-30T05:53:37+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Superficial charm, Qadariyah, Problem of mental causation, Akrasia, Free will in theology, Indeterminism, Agency (LDS Church), Libertarianism (metaphysics), Free will theorem, Arbitrariness, Predeterminism, Thought identification, Agency (philosophy), Physical determinism flashcards
Free will

Free will

  • Superficial charm
    Superficial charm (or insincere charm or glib charm) is the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick and verbally facile.
  • Qadariyah
    Qadariyah (or Qadariya) is an originally derogatory term designating early Islamic theologians who asserted that humans possess free will, whose exercise makes them responsible for their actions, justifying divine punishment and absolving God of responsibility for evil in the world.
  • Problem of mental causation
    The problem of mental causation is a conceptual issue in the philosophy of mind.
  • Akrasia
    Akrasia (/əˈkreɪzɪə/; Greek ἀκρασία, "lacking command"), occasionally transliterated as acrasia or Anglicised as acrasy or acracy, is described as a lack of self-control or the state of acting against one's better judgement.
  • Free will in theology
    Free will in theology is an important part of the debate on free will in general.
  • Indeterminism
    Indeterminism is the concept that events (certain events, or events of certain types) are not caused, or not caused deterministically (cf. causality) by prior events.
  • Agency (LDS Church)
    Agency (also referred to as free agency or moral agency), in Latter-day Saint theology, is "the privilege of choice which was introduced by God the Eternal Father to all of his spirit children in the premortal state".
  • Libertarianism (metaphysics)
    Libertarianism is one of the main philosophical positions related to the problems of free will and determinism, which are part of the larger domain of metaphysics.
  • Free will theorem
    The free will theorem of John H.
  • Arbitrariness
    Arbitrariness is the quality of being "determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle".
  • Predeterminism
    Predeterminism is the idea that all events are determined in advance.
  • Thought identification
    Thought identification refers to the empirically verified use of technology to, in some sense, read people's minds.
  • Agency (philosophy)
    In economics, psychology, social cybernetics, sociology and philosophy, agency is the capacity of an actor (a person or other entity, human or any living being in general, or soul-consciousness in religion) to act in any given environment.
  • Physical determinism
    Physical determinism generally refers to the assertion of a deterministic physical universe (greater physical system).