2019-04-09T11:49:09+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrueElastic Potential Energy, Electric KE, Electromagnetic KE, Energy, Energy transformation, Foot pound, Gravitational PE, Horsepower, Joule, KE, Kinetic Energy, Law of Conservation of Energy, Mechanical KE, Nuclear KE, Formula for KEflashcards
A type of PE in which energy is stored in things that can be stretched like springs or rubber bands.
Electric KE
A type of KE in which energy is produced by moving electrons.
Electromagnetic KE
A type of KE in which energy is produced in waves which include X-Rays, microwaves and light.
The ability to do work (move an object through a distance)
Energy transformation
A change of energy from one form to another. This may include changes from PE to KE or one form of KE to another.
Foot pound
The British unit of work which is produced when an object weighing one pound is moved a distance of one foot.
Gravitational PE
A type of PE in which energy is stored an object which is raised up. Also known as positional PE.
The British unit of power. It is equivalent to 550 foot- pounds per second.
The metric unit of work. It also known as the Newton Meter. It is produced when an object with a weight of one Newton is moved a distance of one meter.
Abbreviation for kinetic energy
Kinetic Energy
Energy of movement
Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy is neither produced nor destroyed but may be converted from one form into another without any loss to the system.
Mechanical KE
A type of KE which is characterized by moving parts like a clock or a pendulum
Nuclear KE
A type of KE which is produced by radioactive substances.
A type of PE in which energy is stored in things that can be stretched like springs or rubber bands.
Electric KE
A type of KE in which energy is produced by moving electrons.
Electromagnetic KE
A type of KE in which energy is produced in waves which include X-Rays, microwaves and light.
The ability to do work (move an object through a distance)
Energy transformation
A change of energy from one form to another. This may include changes from PE to KE or one form of KE to another.
Foot pound
The British unit of work which is produced when an object weighing one pound is moved a distance of one foot.
Gravitational PE
A type of PE in which energy is stored an object which is raised up. Also known as positional PE.
The British unit of power. It is equivalent to 550 foot- pounds per second.
The metric unit of work. It also known as the Newton Meter. It is produced when an object with a weight of one Newton is moved a distance of one meter.
Abbreviation for kinetic energy
Kinetic Energy
Energy of movement
Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy is neither produced nor destroyed but may be converted from one form into another without any loss to the system.
Mechanical KE
A type of KE which is characterized by moving parts like a clock or a pendulum
Nuclear KE
A type of KE which is produced by radioactive substances.
Formula for KE
one half m v squared
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