2017-07-30T12:12:45+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Munchausen syndrome, Acting out, Sadistic personality disorder, Criminal psychology, Antisocial personality disorder, Competence (law), Ganser syndrome, Incarceration prevention in the United States, Malingering, Wilford Berry, Jr., Race, Evolution, and Behavior, Crime Classification Manual flashcards
Forensic psychology

Forensic psychology

  • Munchausen syndrome
    Münchausen syndrome is a psychiatric factitious disorder wherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma to draw attention, sympathy, or reassurance to themselves.
  • Acting out
    Acting out is a psychological term from the parlance of defense mechanisms and self-control, meaning to perform an action in contrast to bearing and managing the impulse to perform it.
  • Sadistic personality disorder
    Sadistic personality disorder is a personality disorder involving sadism which appeared in an appendix of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III-R).
  • Criminal psychology
    Criminal psychology, also referred to as criminological psychology, is the study of the wills, thoughts, intentions, and reactions of criminals and all that partakes in the criminal behavior.
  • Antisocial personality disorder
    Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), also known as dissocial personality disorder (DPD) and sociopathy, is a personality disorder, characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others.
  • Competence (law)
    In United States law, competence concerns the mental capacity of an individual to participate in legal proceedings or transactions, and the mental condition a person must have to be responsible for his or her decisions or acts.
  • Ganser syndrome
    Ganser syndrome is a rare dissociative disorder previously classified as a factitious disorder.
  • Incarceration prevention in the United States
    Incarceration prevention refers to a variety of methods aimed at reducing prison populations and costs while fostering enhanced social structures.
  • Malingering
    Malingering is fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of mental or physical disorders for a variety of "secondary gain" motives, which may include financial compensation (often tied to fraud); avoiding school, work or military service; obtaining drugs; getting lighter criminal sentences; or simply to attract attention or sympathy.
  • Wilford Berry, Jr.
    Wilford Lee Berry, Jr.
  • Race, Evolution, and Behavior
    Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A Life History Perspective is a book by J.
  • Crime Classification Manual
    Crime Classification Manual: A Standard System for Investigating and Classifying Violent Crimes (1992) is a text on the classification of violent crimes by John E.