2024-10-05T22:49:16+03:00[Europe/Moscow]entrue🪄post autopsy temperature, 1. Pin, 3. Constriction of pupils = Opium, phenol, organo, 8. 1st sign of intra, 18. Poison resembling thyrotoxicosis = Bi, 8 In India, rigor mortis sets within 1, 20 In exhumation, 6, 22 Fatal period of aconite isusually 1, 23 Cooling of body is gradual upto 1, 34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4, 37 Mixed dentition is seen in children between 6, 38 Basisphenoid unites the basi, 39 First permanent molar appears at age of 6, 43 Fatal period of sulphuric acid poisoning is 18, 44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5, 49 Foetal parts can be detected on plain X, 53 Nuclear features persist in decomposition for a period of 2, after death in 3, 56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5", 57 Centre of ossification for pisiform bone appears at an age of 10, 63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12, 82 Calcification of third molar begins at 8, 93 During sleep, rectal temperature is 0.5, 94 Drowned body floats in about 12, 131 The rigor mortis start first at upper eye, 164 Contre, 249 Loss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient with blood alcohol concentration of 150, [ ] Galton system, [ ] Retraction of gum margins and loosening teeth, [ ] 6, [ ] Long bones help in age upto 20, [ ] Cheiloscopy, [ ] Testamentary capacity, [ ] Magistrate inquest, [ ] Decomposition most favoured at 70, [ ] Greenish discolouration(12, [ ] Marbling stage (24hrs start)(prominent in 36, [ ] Bloating (36, [ ] Rectum protrudes (48, [ ] Putrefactive blister, [ ] Glove stocking appearance (48, [ ] Putrefaction(Greenish to black)(foul) in 12, [ ] Maceration(purple red)(sweetish) 3, [ ] Mummification(dusky brown) recognizable in 14, [ ] Taches noires (sclrea brown+area of discolouration)(3, [ ] Caput seccundaneum, [ ] Meconium, [ ] Vagitus uterinus, [ ] Higginson syringe, [ ] Mobile sperm, [ ] Hymen ruptures at 7, [ ] Digital tears, [ ] Anal exam, [ ] Smegma, [ ] Ballottment, [ ] Jackuemeir/Chadwick sign, [ ] Kleptomania, [ ] Atavism, [ ] rain drop, [ ] Star shaped entry wound, [ ] urine smoky green, [ ] MEDLegal autopsy identif, [ ] maggots seen after 2, [ ] Soot in URT, [ ] Extradural haemorrhage, [ ] scab form in 12, [ ] Antemortem abrasion, [ ] postmortem abrasion, [ ] Battle sign, Fresh, after 12 hours, 1, 3days, 7days, 2weeks, [ ] Grinding compression laceration, margins swell, seropurulent discharge, red granulation tissue 5, healed in 14, [ ] License, [ ] electrocution, [ ] Joule burn effect, [ ] most dangerous, [ ] small blisters+yellowish gray marks of sparking has not burnt the skin, [ ] contact range, [ ] contact burn, [ ] spark burn, [ ] crockodile skin effectflashcards
uterine death: Gas shadow in aorta (as early as 12 hours).
18. Poison resembling thyrotoxicosis = Bi
nitro compounds.
8 In India, rigor mortis sets within 1
2 hours.
20 In exhumation, 6
7 samples of earth are collected.
22 Fatal period of aconite isusually 1
5 hours.
23 Cooling of body is gradual upto 1
3 hours.
34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4
6 days.
37 Mixed dentition is seen in children between 6
12 years of age.
38 Basisphenoid unites the basi
occiput at the age to 22 years.
39 First permanent molar appears at age of 6
7 years.
43 Fatal period of sulphuric acid poisoning is 18
24 hours.
44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5
5.3 and 3.6-3.8 respectively.
49 Foetal parts can be detected on plain X
ray usually by 16 weeks.
53 Nuclear features persist in decomposition for a period of 2
3 years.
after death in 3
10 years.
56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5"
2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of suspended animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.
57 Centre of ossification for pisiform bone appears at an age of 10
12 years.
63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12
18 hours.
82 Calcification of third molar begins at 8
10 years.
93 During sleep, rectal temperature is 0.5
1.0°C lower
94 Drowned body floats in about 12
18 hours in summer S
131 The rigor mortis start first at upper eye
164 Contre
Coupe injury is seen in head injury.
249 Loss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient with blood alcohol concentration of 150
[ ] Galton system
[ ] Retraction of gum margins and loosening teeth
[ ] 6
11yr mixed dentition
[ ] Long bones help in age upto 20
[ ] Cheiloscopy
study of lip prints
[ ] Testamentary capacity
capacity to make a valid will
[ ] Magistrate inquest
For death in prison
[ ] Decomposition most favoured at 70
[ ] Greenish discolouration(12
24hrs)(R iliac fossa) 1st surest sign of putrefaction
[ ] Marbling stage (24hrs start)(prominent in 36
[ ] Bloating (36
[ ] Rectum protrudes (48
[ ] Putrefactive blister
gas+reddish fluid(36-48hrs)
[ ] Glove stocking appearance (48
[ ] Putrefaction(Greenish to black)(foul) in 12
[ ] Maceration(purple red)(sweetish) 3
[ ] Mummification(dusky brown) recognizable in 14
16 weeks
[ ] Taches noires (sclrea brown+area of discolouration)(3
[ ] Caput seccundaneum
Projection on head of fetus formed during birth in cases of head presentation and age (disappear in 2-3days)
[ ] Meconium
darkgreen colour of intestinal sectetion and amniotic fluid (discarge upto 3-4days)
[ ] Vagitus uterinus
First cry in birthcanal after inspiration-sign of live birth
[ ] Higginson syringe
loading w disinfectant in poisnous concentration to detach placenta
[ ] Mobile sperm
[ ] Hymen ruptures at 7
[ ] Digital tears
incomplete(ant. or post.)
[ ] Anal exam
knee elbow exam
[ ] Smegma
Sebaceous secretion under foreskin (if present, rules out intercourse, within 24hrs)
[ ] Ballottment
technique of feeling for a movable object in the body, esp confirmation of pregnancy by feeling the rebound of the fetus following a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus. (4-7mos)
[ ] Jackuemeir/Chadwick sign
Inc vascularity and venous statis due to pressure on gravid uterus after 4th month. Pink to violet to blue
[ ] Kleptomania
stealing minor things
[ ] Atavism
Child resemble grand parents
[ ] rain drop
chronic arsenic
[ ] Star shaped entry wound
firm contact
[ ] urine smoky green
[ ] MEDLegal autopsy identif
by 3rd party
[ ] maggots seen after 2
3 days
[ ] Soot in URT
Antemortem burn(dry)
[ ] Extradural haemorrhage
middle meningeal vessels
[ ] scab form in 12
24 hrs, (reddish brown in 2-3 days), (heals from periphery by new growth of epi-4-7days-scab falls off)healing complete by 10days
[ ] Antemortem abrasion
red+vital rx
[ ] postmortem abrasion
[ ] Battle sign
bruise behind ear
Red(ox hb)
after 12 hours
blue(deox hb)
2days-blackish brown/brown(hemosiderin)
[ ] Grinding compression laceration
Fat embolism/crush syndrome-death by renal failure
margins swell
seropurulent discharge
red granulation tissue 5
healed in 14
[ ] License
18yrs(pvt) 21yrs(paid employee)
[ ] electrocution
suspended animation
[ ] Joule burn effect
grayish white ulcer
[ ] most dangerous
entry from left arm and exit from opposite leg
[ ] small blisters+yellowish gray marks of sparking has not burnt the skin
[ ] contact range
no burning no soot (soot on underlying bone)
[ ] contact burn
entry(raised blister/Joule burn) exit(lacerated)
[ ] spark burn
yellow parchment like scab with a pale halo around due to capillary contraction (arching current)
uterine death: Gas shadow in aorta (as early as 12 hours).
18. Poison resembling thyrotoxicosis = Bi
nitro compounds.
8 In India, rigor mortis sets within 1
2 hours.
20 In exhumation, 6
7 samples of earth are collected.
22 Fatal period of aconite isusually 1
5 hours.
23 Cooling of body is gradual upto 1
3 hours.
34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4
6 days.
37 Mixed dentition is seen in children between 6
12 years of age.
38 Basisphenoid unites the basi
occiput at the age to 22 years.
39 First permanent molar appears at age of 6
7 years.
43 Fatal period of sulphuric acid poisoning is 18
24 hours.
44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5
5.3 and 3.6-3.8 respectively.
49 Foetal parts can be detected on plain X
ray usually by 16 weeks.
53 Nuclear features persist in decomposition for a period of 2
3 years.
after death in 3
10 years.
56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5"
2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of suspended animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.
57 Centre of ossification for pisiform bone appears at an age of 10
12 years.
63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12
18 hours.
82 Calcification of third molar begins at 8
10 years.
93 During sleep, rectal temperature is 0.5
1.0°C lower
94 Drowned body floats in about 12
18 hours in summer S
131 The rigor mortis start first at upper eye
164 Contre
Coupe injury is seen in head injury.
249 Loss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient with blood alcohol concentration of 150
[ ] Galton system
[ ] Retraction of gum margins and loosening teeth
[ ] 6
11yr mixed dentition
[ ] Long bones help in age upto 20
[ ] Cheiloscopy
study of lip prints
[ ] Testamentary capacity
capacity to make a valid will
[ ] Magistrate inquest
For death in prison
[ ] Decomposition most favoured at 70
[ ] Greenish discolouration(12
24hrs)(R iliac fossa) 1st surest sign of putrefaction
[ ] Marbling stage (24hrs start)(prominent in 36
[ ] Bloating (36
[ ] Rectum protrudes (48
[ ] Putrefactive blister
gas+reddish fluid(36-48hrs)
[ ] Glove stocking appearance (48
[ ] Putrefaction(Greenish to black)(foul) in 12
[ ] Maceration(purple red)(sweetish) 3
[ ] Mummification(dusky brown) recognizable in 14
16 weeks
[ ] Taches noires (sclrea brown+area of discolouration)(3
[ ] Caput seccundaneum
Projection on head of fetus formed during birth in cases of head presentation and age (disappear in 2-3days)
[ ] Meconium
darkgreen colour of intestinal sectetion and amniotic fluid (discarge upto 3-4days)
[ ] Vagitus uterinus
First cry in birthcanal after inspiration-sign of live birth
[ ] Higginson syringe
loading w disinfectant in poisnous concentration to detach placenta
[ ] Mobile sperm
[ ] Hymen ruptures at 7
[ ] Digital tears
incomplete(ant. or post.)
[ ] Anal exam
knee elbow exam
[ ] Smegma
Sebaceous secretion under foreskin (if present, rules out intercourse, within 24hrs)
[ ] Ballottment
technique of feeling for a movable object in the body, esp confirmation of pregnancy by feeling the rebound of the fetus following a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus. (4-7mos)
[ ] Jackuemeir/Chadwick sign
Inc vascularity and venous statis due to pressure on gravid uterus after 4th month. Pink to violet to blue
[ ] Kleptomania
stealing minor things
[ ] Atavism
Child resemble grand parents
[ ] rain drop
chronic arsenic
[ ] Star shaped entry wound
firm contact
[ ] urine smoky green
[ ] MEDLegal autopsy identif
by 3rd party
[ ] maggots seen after 2
3 days
[ ] Soot in URT
Antemortem burn(dry)
[ ] Extradural haemorrhage
middle meningeal vessels
[ ] scab form in 12
24 hrs, (reddish brown in 2-3 days), (heals from periphery by new growth of epi-4-7days-scab falls off)healing complete by 10days
[ ] Antemortem abrasion
red+vital rx
[ ] postmortem abrasion
[ ] Battle sign
bruise behind ear
Red(ox hb)
after 12 hours
blue(deox hb)
2days-blackish brown/brown(hemosiderin)
[ ] Grinding compression laceration
Fat embolism/crush syndrome-death by renal failure
margins swell
seropurulent discharge
red granulation tissue 5
healed in 14
[ ] License
18yrs(pvt) 21yrs(paid employee)
[ ] electrocution
suspended animation
[ ] Joule burn effect
grayish white ulcer
[ ] most dangerous
entry from left arm and exit from opposite leg
[ ] small blisters+yellowish gray marks of sparking has not burnt the skin
[ ] contact range
no burning no soot (soot on underlying bone)
[ ] contact burn
entry(raised blister/Joule burn) exit(lacerated)
[ ] spark burn
yellow parchment like scab with a pale halo around due to capillary contraction (arching current)
[ ] crockodile skin effect
multiple burning lesions over large area of skin
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