2019-04-08T17:28:17+03:00[Europe/Moscow] en true Force, Friction, Air resistance, Water resistance, Upthrust, Gravity, Static, Magnetism, Weight, Mass, Stretching, Compressing, Elastic, Elastic limit, Hooke's Law, Plastic, Force meter (Newtonmeter), Pressure, Pressure equation, SI units, Balanced forces, Unbalanced forces flashcards


  • Force
    A push, pull or twist (measured in Newtons)
  • Friction
    A contact force between two objects that are touching; it usually acts to slow things down or to prevent movement
  • Air resistance
    A contact force on objects moving through the air (usually slowing the object down)
  • Water resistance
    A contact force on objects moving through water (usually slowing the object down)
  • Upthrust
    A contact force that pushes things upwards in liquids and gases
  • Gravity
    A non-contact force that is a force of attraction between any two objects
  • Static
    A non-contact force that can attract or repel things (when certain materials rub together)
  • Magnetism
    A non-contact force that attracts objects made of iron and other magnetic materials
  • Weight
    The force of gravity pulling on the mass of an object (measured in Newtons)
  • Mass
    The amount of matter in an object (measured in kilograms)
  • Stretching
    Making a material longer
  • Compressing
    Making a material shorter
  • Elastic
    A material that changes shape when a force is applied, but which returns to its original shape when the force is removed
  • Elastic limit
    The point beyond which an object no longer behaves like an elastic one
  • Hooke's Law
    The extension of a spring is proportional to the force applied (up until the elastic limit is reached)
  • Plastic
    A material that changes shape when a force is applied, but which does not return to its original shape when the force is removed
  • Force meter (Newtonmeter)
    A device used for measuring the size of a force
  • Pressure
    The amount of force pushing on a certain area measure in Pascals (basically how spread out a force is)
  • Pressure equation
    Pressure(Pa) = Force(N) / Area(m2)
  • SI units
    Standard units used all over the World (eg time is always measured in seconds, energy is always measured in joules, pressure is always measured in pascals, force is always measured in newtons)
  • Balanced forces
    When two forces on an object are the same strength but in opposite directions
  • Unbalanced forces
    When two forces working in opposite directions on an object are not the same strength, resulting in a change in motion of the object